雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正規的冬季校服. 聖保羅書院 冬季校服參考資料. (由學長會提供冬季校服的標準規格) 是長袖及純白色,不可. 恤衫只可有一個袋口。 校呔不可有任何修呔上不可扣有任何. 其他注意事項. 恤衫領不可有鈕。 不可有顏色鈕(非白色或透明)。 不可有暗袋,只可有一個袋口; 袋口不可有鈕、有掩、任何花紋、圖案或牌子。 不可有暗花。 鞋 漆皮鞋、麂皮鞋、鬆榚鞋、尖頭鞋、黑色運動鞋、帆船鞋或長、短靴均不合規格。 皮帶扣不可有過量花紋、圖案或英文字母。 皮帶不可穿上腰包或扣上鎖匙鏈。 皮帶扣過大或過份誇張,以及尾部或鈕門有金屬附件均不合規格。 皮帶尾部不可以過長以致下垂。 布帶或編織而成的皮帶均不合規格。 毛衣/ 針織外套. 只可是寶藍色或深藍色, 所有鈕必須是藍色。 必須是V 領。

  2. St. Paul's Co-educational College,” HK Secondary School Uniforms, accessed June 29, 2024, https://learning.hku.hk/ccch9051/group-51/items/show/411.

  3. Joint School Music Competition 27 Jun 2024 Hong Kong Science Fair 2023-24 27 Jun 2024 學友社全港中學學生會嘉許計劃2023-2024 26 Jun 2024 ...

  4. 聖保羅男女中學 St. Paul's Co-Educational College. 辦學宗旨秉承基督教「信、望、愛」的精神,培育學生成為未來的領導人才。. 教導他們追求卓越,建立崇高的品德及奉公忘私的精神,熱衷學習、終身不懈,具備國際視野。. (註:於 2011 年獲授權開辦國際文憑大學 ...

  5. 學校簡介. 聖保羅男女中學(St. Paul's Co-educational College) 是位於 中西區 的一間直資中學,學校面積約 6250平方米,屬於 男女校,該校辦學宗旨是秉承基督教「信、望、愛」的精神,培育學生成為未來的領導人才。. 教導他們追求卓越,建立崇高的品德及奉公忘私 ...

  6. 秉承基督教「信望愛」的精神,培育學生成為未來的領導人才。. 教導他們追求卓越,建立崇高的品德及奉公忘私的精神;熱衷學習、終身不懈、並具備國際視野。.

  7. In 1918, the College was the first school in Hong Kong to require students to wear school uniforms. In 1927, the College was moved to 33 MacDonnell Road, and has remained as the location of the school since then. In 1932, the College adopted the school badge that is still used now.

  8. www.spc.edu.hk › news_detailSt. Paul's College

    2022年11月16日 · From Tuesday, 29 November 2022 to Thursday, 1 December, 2022, students may wear either summer or winter school uniform, but not mixed. With effect from Monday, 5 December, 2022, only winter school uniform should be worn.

  9. St. Pauls Co-educational College, which is founded by Sheng Kung Hui over a century ago, has been nurturing students according to Christian faith and whole person development of the individual. We warmly welcome students based on their merit and potential regardless of their family or social backgrounds.

  10. A. School Uniform A St. Paul's College student is always dressed to a standard that upholds the history and ethos of the school. The School uniform symbolises what it means to be a student at St. Paul’s College and as such should be worn with pride. A