雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. St. Paul's Convent School is a renowned Catholic girls' school in Hong Kong, offering quality education and various activities. Find out more about our school and its achievements.

  2. 校園靜觀體驗計劃. 學生支援. 德育及公民教育. 健康校園. 學生校服及儀容指引. 地址: 香港跑馬地黃泥涌道 81A. 電話: (852) 2576 3181. 傳真: (852) 2882 4530. 電郵: info@sppcs.edu.hk.

  3. Uniform history. anti-traditional age, In the 1970s, Hong Kong's economy was booming, and Hong Kong people had more opportunities to get in touch with Western things. With the influx of western culture and ideas, the styles of school uniforms are also blooming. Accessories. silver school badge, checkered tie. School badge. pin. Collection.

  4. 學校位置 :灣仔區 › 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道140號。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 直資、女校、天主教,全年學費約 $30,000. 香港有 60 間直資中學,佔整體約 13%;香港有 41 間女子中學,佔整體約 9%;香港有 88 間天主教中學,佔整體約 19%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表 。 全港中學分佈詳述 。 有關學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書 。 創校歷史. 1854 年創立,辦學團體:沙爾德聖保祿女修會. 校訓:「為一切人,成為一切」即普助世人,無分種族、宗教及社會階層。 'Being all things to all people, irrespective of race, religion and social status'.。 學校校徽 。 教學情況.

  5. Online learning is an integral part of English language learning at St. Paul’s Convent School. On 1st September 2021, SPCS held an award ceremony for our students in recognition for their outstanding performance in the English Builder platform hosted by Wiseman.

  6. www.spcs.edu.hk › schoolprofile › rulesSPCS School Rules

    When attending school, students should wear a complete and clean school uniform which includes: in Winter – plain long-sleeved white shirt, navy-blue pleated skirt at knee-length, navy-blue cardigan or blazer, navy-blue or white scarf.

  7. 聖保祿學校,(英文: St. Paul's Convent School),由天主教開辦,為香港補助學校議會22所補助學校之一,是香港一家著名女子學校。 聖保祿學校創立於1854年,原名法國傳道會學校,1955年易名聖保祿學校。

  8. 聖保祿學校(小學部) St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section) 辦學宗旨:以基督精神之價值觀為本,為學生提供美好的教與學氣氛,達致幫助學生全面發展其智能及品德的成長。

  9. Joseph Embroidering Enterprises Co., Ltd was established in 1962, we specialized in manufacturing and retailing various kinds of school uniforms, jacket uniforms, T-shirt, badges, ties and many uniforms accessories.

  10. 保祿學校(St. Paul's Convent School)是位於灣仔區的一間直資中學,學校面積約 26000平方米,屬於女校,該校辦學宗旨是以基督之價值觀,提供卓越的全人教育,使學生具有仁愛、良知、自信、勇毅、創新、能幹及負責任之美德,提升生活素質,對家庭

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    st paul convent