雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本中心的宗旨是推廣健康訊息,並協助市民及早找出疾病的根源,以便給予適當的預防及治療。本中心擁有一班由醫生及護士組成的專業醫護團隊,竭誠提供優質的身體檢查服務。我們設有多種健康檢查計劃予不同年紀的市民,讓市民透過定期的身體檢查,了解 ...

  2. The Hospital provides 24-hour General Outpatient service, no appointment booking is available, please walk-in Browse Patients' Charter, Personal Information Collection Statement and Patients' Rights & Responsibilities

  3. 綜合A計劃 綜合B計劃 女士保健A 計劃B General Plan A General Plan B Well Women Plan A Well Women Plan B 參考價 Reference Price $16,999 $6,355 $7,829 $5,274 優惠價 Special Price $9,630 $3,220 $4,620 $3,480 個人健康分析 (Health Analysis) 體格檢查 (Physical Examination) ...

  4. 套餐優惠價 Package Offer : $2,080 $1,280 凡惠顧本中心之顧客可享有其他優惠詳情如下 Clients of our medical check-up centre are entitled to other special offer detail as below : 生效日期 Effective Date : 01-07-2024 1.

  5. 不少人選擇身體檢查套餐時只在乎項目多少,身體檢查邊間好一文看清,不用再左估右估,全港17間醫院身體檢查及體檢中心計劃拆解,即上10Life了解更多!.

  6. Health Screening Clinic aims to provide prevention, detection and treatments of medical conditions. Services include a variety of comprehensive health check packages that cover physical examination, blood test, diagnostic imaging, eye check-ups, cardiac assessment and dietetic consultation by registered dietitians.

  7. What are the body check packages of St. Paul's Hospital? A variety of health check-up plans are available at St. Paul Hospital and packages come in form of male, female, pre-marital and pre-employment plans.

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