雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. St Stephen's College. We strive to inspire our young people. Learning. Students develop enquiring minds, self-discipline, independence and communicative competence to pursue academic excellence. Leadership. Students establish soft skills, stamina, confidence and commitment to set about solving problems with vigour. Appreciation.

  2. St Stephen's College. 聖士提反書院秉承基督的關愛及扶持精神,致力提供德、智、體、群、美、靈並重的優質全人教育,培育學生具備終身學習的技能、良好的品德以及廣闊的國際視野,成為勇於承擔,博學多能的明日領袖。. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles ...

  3. St Stephen's College Preparatory School To prepare ETHICAL and KNOWLEDGEABLE leaders of tomorrow's changing world School News 17 September 2025-2026 Grade One Admission Interview 13 July G6 Graduation Dinner 11 May Motivational Sharing by ...

  4. 2024年8月31日 · 聖士提反書院(英語: St Stephen's College )是一所座落於香港 香港島 赤柱半島的基督教 寄宿 直資 六年制中學,由英國海外傳道會於1903年創辦,目前由香港聖公會營運。

  5. We offer: small classes. a wide range and flexible combinations of subjects in the HKDSE and the IBDP. a substantial number of native-speaking teachers of English and Putonghua. enriched co-curricular activities that cultivate leadership, creativity and service.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. St Stephen's College (Chinese:聖士提反書院) is a Christian Direct Subsidy Scheme co-educational secondary school in Stanley, Hong Kong.With an area of about 150,000 m 2 (15 hectares), the college is the largest secondary school in Hong Kong, and is one of the very few boarding schools in the territory. in the territory.

  8. 聖士提反書院 St. Stephen's College 寄宿中學. 辦學宗旨:配合基督教辦學方針,致力發展完備課程和多元化活動以實踐全人教育。 奉行英語授課,認信學生各有特質,並盡力協助學生發掘潛能、發展所長,培育明日領袖。 (學校有寄宿設施,提供宿舍生活及寄宿活動。 備註:於 2014 年獲授權開辦國際文憑大學預科課程(IBDP)。 搜尋關鍵字:寄宿中學. 聖士提反書院外觀照片. 學校位置:南區 › 香港赤柱東頭灣道22號。 學校地圖。 學校類別. 直資、男女校、基督教,全年學費約 $74,550. 香港有 60 間直資中學,佔整體約 13%;香港有 394 間男女中學,佔整體約 85%;香港有 153 間基督教中學,佔整體約 33%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表。 全港中學分佈詳述。

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