雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 聖士提反女子中學附屬小學(St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School) 是位於中西區(小學校網:11)的一間資助全日小學,學校面積約 1196平方米屬於女校,該校辦學宗旨是「學校本著基督精神,為學生提供全人教育,使學生的身心靈得以均衡發展。. 在關愛的文化下 ...

  2. 聖士提反女子中學附屬小學 St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School. 學校位置:中西區 › 香港柏道33號。 學校地圖。 學校類別. 資助、女校、基督教;位於中西區. 香港有 423 間資助小學,佔整體約 81%;香港有 19 間女子小學,佔整體約 4%;香港有 181 間基督教小學,佔整體約 34%。 了解更多: 小學分佈圖表。 香港小學分佈詳述。 教學語言. 學校以中文為教學語言. 全港有大約 545 間小學,當中有 65% 以中文為教學語言,9% 以英文為教學語言,26% 中英並重,雙語教學。 有 25% 的學校會使用普通話教學,他們當中大部分同時是中英並重。 全港小學教學語言分佈圖表。 創校歷史. 1906 年創立,辦學團體:香港聖公會.

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    • Life-wide Learning Life-wide Learning
    • School Mission
    • School Management Organisation:
    • Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee:
    • School Green Policy:
    • School's Major Concerns:
    • Learning & Teaching Strategies:
    • Development of Key Tasks:
    • Development of Generic Skills:
    • Cultivation of Positive Values and Attitudes:
    • Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity:
    • Whole School Approach to Integrated Education:
    • Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students:
    • Curriculum Tailoring and Adaptation:
    • Home-School Co-operation:
    • School Ethos:
    • School Development Plan:
    • Teacher Professional Training & Development:

    Choir, Orchestra, Instrumental classes, Enhancement Classes for Chinese, English, Mathematics and Science, Debating School Team, Brownies, Christian Fellowship, Home Economics Class, Amazing Art, Magician Workshop, Coding with Drone, STEAM Class, Spanish, Football Interest Group, Gymnastics, Basketball School Team, Volleyball School Team, Table-ten...

    St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School is a Christian school which holds the mission to provide Whole-person Education in Christian faith, and to nurture pupils' physical, mental as well as spiritual development in a balanced way. It aims to help students develop their potentials and guide them towards a perfect character.

    The School Council oversees the operation of the school. There are different functional groups which are responsible for school self-evaluation, discipline, counselling, curriculum development, extra-curricular activities, etc.

    St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School is under the supervision of the St. Stephen's Girls' College School Council. Its members include representatives from Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, representatives from St. John's College, representatives from St. Stephen's Church, the Principal of St. Stephen's Girls' College, the chairperson of the Parent-Teacher A...

    To nurture the awareness of environmental protection among pupils and encourage them to put it into actions in daily life. Activities include: 'Earth Hour', school uniform recycling, storybooks recycling, food-waste recycling activity, etc. To support environmental protection and reduce the use of paper, the school uses e-notices to communicate wit...

    To sustain the development of self-directed learning ability and enhance learning performance among pupils through Flipped Classroom To nurture positive values among pupils through Positive Education

    The school aims at providing a balanced curriculum which develops pupils morally, intellectually, kinesthetically, interpersonally, aesthetically and spiritually. The curriculum puts high emphasis on the development of problem-solving skills and creative thinking skills. To align with this goal, the school developed the Reading Strategy Curriculum ...

    Reading to learn: To develop students' reading habit and skill through Reading Sessions, Extensive Reading Scheme, Reading Parents Scheme and Book Around Programme. IT learning: iPads and Virtual Reality Glasses are used to facilitate teaching and learning, and to equip pupils with the abilities to face new challenges. Project Learning: It is condu...

    Generic skills are developed in classroom activities and life-wide learning activities of different subjects.

    To incorporate into all subjects the learning elements that can nurture positive values and attitudes among pupils. Class teachers conduct Life Education period weekly. To implement school-based Value Education activities with themes including courtesy, responsibility, self-discipline, respect, honesty and caring for others. To provide professional...

    The school provides after-school enhancement activities for those who have special potential in languages, Mathematics and Science. We also nominate them to join various competition so as to stretch their potentials. On the other hand, we provide after-school early-intervention classes for those who need attention in specific areas. We also provide...

    Our Learning Support Team consists of teachers, the school social worker and teacher assistants. We make use of the 'Learning Support Grant' to deploy teacher assistants to guide pupils in morning reading and provide in-class support. The grant is also used for buying services for afternoon small group activities and purchasing teaching resources....

    Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: providing after-school support programmes in learning Chinese; appointing additional teacher(s)/teaching assistant(s) to support NCS students' learning of Chinese; and organising cultural integration activities.

    Pupils with higher abilities are provided with enhancement programmes in Chinese, English, Mathematics and General Studies. Enhancement classes and remedial classes are arranged for pupils.

    The school has a long established Parent Teacher Association. It enhances communication between the school and parents. It has also provided an interface for working towards the common goal of promoting school development.

    Our pupils are obedient, polite and caring. They are confident, enjoy learning and are willing to communicate and collaborate with others. Our parents are concerned about their daughters' school life. They are supportive to school policies. Apart from being parent helpers, they participate actively in various school functions. We have a strongly bo...

    To sustain the development of self-directed learning ability and enhance learning performance among pupils through Flipped Classroom To nurture positive values among pupils through Positive Education

    Teachers participate actively in workshops, visits, sharing sessions, talks and seminars to learn and exchange ideas for promoting teaching effectiveness. To cultivate a culture of sharing and mutual learning, teachers take part in co-planning, peer lesson observation and sharing sessions regularly. The school offers various scholarships for those ...

  3. 2023年9月1日 · St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School is a Christian school which holds the mission to provide Whole-person Education in Christian faith, and to nurture pupils' physical, mental as well as spiritual development in a balanced way. It aims to help students develop their potentials and guide them towards a perfect character. School Characteristics.

    • 33 Park Road, Hong Kong
    • AidedWhole Day
    • Ms. Or Ching Yu
    • Ms. Chau Wai Chu Maggie
  4. 聖士提反女子中學附屬小學(St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School)是位處於中西區的一所資助小學,根據教育局的小一學校網選校名冊,屬於11校網。 學校是一間基督教的女校,創校於 1906年,校訓是「本信而進前」, 現在的辦學團體是 聖士提反女子中學校蕫會 , 校監為 ...

  5. 聖士提反女子中學附屬小學 (St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School)創立於1906,是一所位於中西區的基督教女校,屬於11校網的資助全日學校,校長是柯靜如女士。. (ssgps, Band, Banding, 升小一派位,小學概覽, 排名,派位,教學語言,校服,好唔好, 入大學, 面試,入學申請 ...

  6. 辦學宗旨 : 學校本著基督精神,為學生提供全人教育,使學生的身心靈得以均衡發展。 在關愛的文化下,學校致力幫助學生發展潛能,培養完美的品格。 學校資料. 學校招生. 學校收費. 學校生活. 班級結構. 教師資料. 全校教師總人數 45. 教師/學生比例 - 學歷及專業培訓 (%) 年資 (%) 學校設施. 課室 24. 禮堂 1. 操場 3. 圖書館 1. 特別室. STEM教室、學生活動中心、視覺藝術室、英語活動室、普通話室、音樂室、多用途活動室、電腦室等。 其他. 於學校入口設有紅外線體溫監測系統。 特殊教育需要學生的設施. 暢通易達升降機及暢通易達洗手間。 助您即時了解學校資訊.