雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. starbucks coffee bean 相關

  2. Be Inspired By The Lives Of The Saints And Energized By Our Coffee. Premium Coffee and Gifts!


  1. Whole Bean. Balanced, smooth and rich. Elegant and refined with layers of unfolding flavor—notes of lemon, chocolate and soft spice. Aroma, body and flavor all in balance—with tastes of nuts and cocoa brought out by the roast.

  2. Whole Bean. Balanced, smooth and rich. Elegant and refined with layers of unfolding flavor—notes of lemon, chocolate and soft spice. Aroma, body and flavor all in balance—with tastes of nuts and cocoa brought out by the roast.

  3. 星巴克咖啡旅程. 咖啡豆是從哪裡來的? 咖啡豆種類與知識介紹. 讓您在家也能享受多種風味的美味咖啡,咖啡豆推薦:星巴克咖啡豆,隨時享受由星巴克咖啡豆帶來的新鮮美味咖啡。.

  4. 咖啡樹長出紅色咖啡果,當果實成熟時手工採摘。. 咖啡果裡面是我們烘焙用的生咖啡豆,用來製作您熟悉和喜愛的咖啡。. 這種綠色種子內蘊含著所有咖啡的風味。. 這種潛力通過烘焙生咖啡來釋放。. 並非所有的生咖啡豆都一樣。. 它們的外觀和味道取決於生長 ...

  5. 每一款咖啡豆,不同烘焙程度,呈現獨一無二的風味,讓你隨時隨地在家享受一杯好咖啡.

  6. Bring home the fresh taste you love with whole bean coffees from Starbucks® Coffee at Home. Choose from Espresso Roast, Pike Place® Roast and more!

  7. A classic and time-honored dark roast with notes of molasses and caramelized sugar that’s perfect for making classic espresso drinks. First created in 1975, this multi-region blend still serves as the foundation of our handcrafted espresso drinks in Starbucks stores around the world.

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