雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Welcome to STEP Bible. ESV, NASB2020 and NET2full now have morphology! Video introduction. Here are the frequently asked questions: How do I read passages in Bibles? How do I find words and phrases? How do I do a word study? How do I find more information on original languages? Additional information. © STEPBible - 2024.

  2. Free Bible study software for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad and Android. Software can search and display Greek / Hebrew lexicons, interlinear Bibles...

  3. Free Bible study software for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad and Android. Software can search and display Greek / Hebrew lexicons, interlinear Bibles...

  4. Forever free Bible Study Software for your Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad and Android. Bible study tools include search and Greek, Hebrew lexicons.

  5. The Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified Script) Bible text may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic or audio), up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without the express written permission of the publisher, providing the verses quoted do

  6. STEP Bible是為每個人設計的研究聖經應用程序。 深入了解聖經,只需輕輕一點即可獲得原始的希臘語和希伯來語含義。 默認情況下,我們使用英語標準版(ESV)。 中國聯合版(CUV)也可用,還有更多語言和翻譯! 一切都是免費的。 沒有廣告或應用內購買。 想確保安全,就從瞭解開發人員如何收集與分享資料開始! 根據你的使用情形、所在地區及年齡,資料的隱私權和安全性措施可能會有所不同。...

  7. STEP Bible can be downloaded from the internet, or installed from a USB or SD card into any Windows PC or Macintosh computer. (Android and iOS apps are in preparation). To put STEP Bible on your computer: Go to https://www.stepbible.org/downloads.jsp.

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