雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月31日 · STGSS our Chinese Dance Team won the Highly Commended Award in the 60th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival. 22nd February 2024. Congratulations! STGSS our Modern Dance Team won the Grade A award in the 60th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival. 22nd February 2024.

  2. School History. Founded in September 1972, our school has now become a fully-fledged co-educational grammar school. In 2013-2014 school year, There are 27 classes with an enrolment of approximately 960 students.

  3. www.stgss.edu.hk › newsNews – STGSS

    Proceedings began with the Principal’s speech, which outlined many of the school’s achievements in academics, extra-curricular events, and contributions to the community and society. The speech was followed by the presentation of awards to our 2023 graduates by Dr Stephen LAI JP who was….

  4. 沙田官立中學:官立、男女校;位於沙田區,學校以英文為主要教學語言,BAND 1 中學,校長是:蔡鳳雯女士 (SSP, Band, stgss Banding, 派位, Band 幾, 校網, 校風, 好唔好, 排名, 學校水平, 入大學, 老師, 校服, 校歌, 交通, 學費, 入學申請, 面試, Sha Tin

  5. 沙田官立中學 (英語: Sha Tin Government Secondary School ,簡稱:沙官中、沙田官中、STGSS),位於 新界 沙田 ,是香港一所第一組別的 官立 英文中學 ,由 港英 麥理浩政府 於1972年創辦,創校時為 文法學校 。. 首任校長為英國人岳文林(J. Ormerod),附近的文林路以 ...

  6. Sha Tin Government Secondary School (STGSS; 沙田官立中學) is located in Sha Tin, Hong Kong. There are 25 classes with an enrollment of approximately 840 students in the year 2022-23. The current [ when? ] principal is ms. choi fung-man (蔡鳳雯).

  7. 沙田官立中学(英语: Sha Tin Government Secondary School,简称:沙官中、沙田官中、STGSS),位于新界 沙田,是香港一所第一组别的官立 英文中学,由港英 麦理浩政府于1972年创办,创校时为文法学校。

  8. 沙田官立中學 (Sha Tin Government Secondary School)是位處於 沙田區 的一所官立中學。. 學校是一間男女校,創校於 1972年,校訓是「智、仁、勇」,現在的辦學團體是 政府 ,現任校監為李周若蘭女士,校長為林月華女士。. 由於沙田官立中學是官立中學,學生毋須繳付 ...

  9. 2023年5月12日 · 本校鼓勵學生從閱讀中學習,設專責委員會負責推動各項活動,如廣泛閱讀計劃、書展、閱讀分享會、閲讀圈、親子閱書報告及書評寫作比賽等。. 為配合學校重點關注事項—透過電子學習(eLearning)提升學生學習各科的興趣,本校在校園內已鋪設無線上網系統 ...

  10. 2023年5月12日 · For details, please refer to our school website http://www.stgss.edu.hk. Orientation Activities and Healthy Life Orientation Activities: To help S.1 students adapt to the English learning environment, our school organizes the S.1 English Bridging Program in the summer.

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