雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [səˈdʒestʃn]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 建議 to put forward or offer or make a suggestion (about sth.) (針對某事物)提出建議
    • 2. 提議 at or on sb.'s suggestion 在某人的提議之下


  2. [ + that] They didn't like my suggestion that we should all share the cost. 他們不喜歡我所提出費用分攤的建議。 I have a few favourite restaurants that I tend to go back to, but I'm always open to new suggestions (= willing to try new ones that people suggest ) .

    • 查看更多內容

      suggestion翻譯:提议;建议, 暗示, 微量;细微迹象。了解 ...

    • 繁體

      WEAR翻譯:在身上, 穿(衣服);戴(首飾等), 流露,面帶( ...

    • Suggestion的釋義

      SUGGESTION的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. an idea, plan, or ...

    • English (US)

      SUGGESTION translations: 提議;建議, 暗示, 微量;細微跡象 ...

  3. SUGGEST翻譯:提及, 提議;建議, 表明/顯示, 暗示;間接表明;意味著, 產生想法, 使想到;使聯想到。了解更多。 The authors suggest that representations from one participant's head are aligned directly with those from the other participant's head.

  4. SUGGESTION翻译:提议;建议, 暗示, 微量;细微迹象。. 了解更多。.

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供suggestion的中文意思,suggestion的用法讲解,suggestion的读音,suggestion的同义词,suggestion的反义词,suggestion的例句等英语服务。.

  6. 必应词典为您提供suggestion的释义,美[səɡˈdʒestʃ(ə)n],英[səˈdʒestʃ(ə)n],n. 建议;暗示;提议;迹象; 网络释义: 意见;提示;微量; 网页

  7. suggestion中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 建議;示意;微量,細微的跡象。 英漢詞典提供【suggestion】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  8. suggestion 既可指比较明显,又可指客观上流露出 迹象。 联想词 suggested 建议 ; recommendation 推荐, 劝告, 建议; suggest 提议,建议; idea 主意; explanation 解 , 说明; clarification 澄清,净化; advice 劝告; advise 劝告,忠告; remark 评论; reconsider 重新考虑; comment 评论;

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