雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bilingual Mode: Show highlight for: Matched Keywords. Cross Reference (s) Source Note (s) Tick the provision (s) to be printed from TOC: Download. Version Date : 22/10/2023.

  2. Touting. (1) Any person who in a public place, to the annoyance of or in a manner likely to annoy any other person, importunes such person to buy any article or thing or to give his custom to any business, whether or not the article or thing is ofered for sale, 所經營,該人均屬犯罪 ...

  3. Ordinance Subsidiary Legislation Instrument Option Section/Rule No. Part No. Schedule No. Appendix No. Annex No. Home View Legislation My Collection Printing List Subscribe Main Subsidiary Legislation Others [Switch to complete mode] Timeline * ...

  4. Summary offences can only be tried in Magistrates' Courts. The only exception is that a summary offence can be tried in the District Court if the accused person is also charged with an indictable offence. Examples of summary offences include littering, careless driving, and falsely pretending to be a public officer.

  5. 2019年12月27日 · 請問香港法例Ordinance 當中creating 有關offence嘅條文沒有標明 “upon indictment”,”on indictment” , “tried summarily” 等有關字眼,只是說 e.g. “liable to a fine of level 3”. 咁這種是屬於summary 定係 indictable offence? 請法律巴絲指教. 森林美儀羊咩咩 2019-12-27 20:41:08 ...

  6. offence made punishable on summary conviction by this Ordinance, or to prevent any person from being liable to be proceeded against by action for any hurt or damage caused by him: Provided, nevertheless, that no person be punished twice for the same 34.

  7. 在香港,當個人被刑事檢控時,除了認罪或不認罪,有時可能會有第三種處理方式: 控方免提證供起訴 (“Offering No Evidence”)以換取被告簽保守行為 (“Bind-Over”),簡稱”ONE簽保守行為”。. 這種處理方式十分受被告人的歡迎,因為被告人不用認罪,不會留有案底 ...

  8. Obstruction of public places (Section 4A Summary Offences Ordinance) Anyone who sets out or leaves anything which obstructs, inconveniences or endangers any person or vehicle in a public place shall be liable to a fine of $5,000 or to imprisonment for 3 months.

  9. view any offence mentioned in the last four sections, or, if such offence has not been committed within view of such constable, then on the complaint of any person who has been injured or annoyed by,

  10. Anyone who has in his possession any wrist restraint or other instrument manufactured for the purpose of physically restraining a person, any handcuffs or thumbcuffs, any offensive weapon, or any crowbar, picklock, skeleton-key or other instrument fit for unlawful purposes, with intent to use for any unlawful purpose, is liable to a fine of $5,0...

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