雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [səˈveɪə(r)]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 勘測員
    • 2. 驗房師
  2. HKIS General Practice Surveyor Promotion Video More > Dispute Resolution More > Caution on Phishing Emails More > Event News PQSL 2024-10-25 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Building Surveyors Conference 2024 - Transformative Trends in Building Surveying ...

  3. 土地測量師職系 (LS)預計薪酬中位數為$110,873,晉升後可達$247,200,立刻瀏覽最新人工、投考人數、晉升階梯、空缺數目等資訊,更可加入免費TG討論區,交流投考資訊 (最後更新: 2023-07-08)

  4. SURVEYOR翻譯:(土地)測量員,測繪員,勘測員, 房產鑒定員;房屋鑒定人。了解更多。

  5. 2017年12月28日 · 月入達10萬 想做測量師 必須知道的入行攻略. SJ 前言:做Surveyor,其實係非常專的一個專業,尤其在香港呢個人煙密集社會,測量師的角色對蓬勃的地產行業可謂非常重要。. 今次SJ請來測量界前輩同各位SJ讀者分享下入行攻略。. 歡迎自用及Share俾其他想入行做 ...

  6. HKIS General Practice Surveyor Promotion Video 更多 > Dispute Resolution 更多 > 偽冒電郵重要提示 更多 > 會議及活動 新聞公佈/宣佈 PQSL 2024-10-25 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Building Surveyors Conference 2024 - Transformative Trends in Building Surveying ...

  7. 專業評量証行提供全面有效專業公服務,我們是英國調查師學會、美國評值師公會、香港總工程師學會會員。. 我們服務包括樓宇漏水檢測、風險評估、裝修評估、物業估值、損失評估、鋁窗檢查、DNA檢查、DNA 親子鑑定及貨物質量檢查及評估等專業服務 ...

  8. Established in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) is the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong. As of 16 April 2024, the number of members reached 10829, of which 7815 were corporate members, 51 were associate members and 2963 were probationers and students. HKIS work includes setting standards ...

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