雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. John Cheever的短篇小说The swimmer中的混乱的时间线是怎么体现主人公对现实的逃避的?. 这个是原本的问题,因为中文翻译的不太确定是否准确:how the confused timeline reinforces the idea of t…. 这篇小说表面看来有2根时间线,一根是Neddy的,在夏日午后游回家,还有一根 ...

  2. 2015年11月11日 · 10. A strong swimmer, _____________. (A) that fish and seal are eaten chiefly by the polar bear (B) the polar bear eats chiefly fish and seal (C) the polar bear eating chiefly fish and seal (D) eating fish and seal chiefly by the polar bear I think it is a but I couldn't understand...

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