https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/press-releases/cuhk-research-findings-on-severe-human-swine-flu-in-hong-kong. 香港现正处于流感季节性高峰期,最新的病例大多数是由导致2009年流感大流行的人类猪型流感H1N1病毒引致。. 香港中文大学(中大)内科及药物治疗学系感染及传染病科、微生物学 ...
2009年5月1日 · Secretary for Food and Health: Today Hong Kong has confirmed the first imported case of human swine flu, which is recently labelled by the WHO as flu A (H1N1). A Mexican traveller, aged 25, came to Hong Kong on flight MU505, arriving at Hong Kong at 12.49pm yesterday from Shanghai.
What is human swine flu?
What are the symptoms of human swine influenza?
Is there a swine flu outbreak in China?
Does cooking pork kill swine flu?
How does swine flu spread?
What happens if you get swine flu?
Human swine influenza (HSI) is caused by the novel Influenza A (H1N1) virus. Like seasonal flu, HSI mainly spreads from person to person via coughs and sneezes. People may also become infected by touching objects soiled with the virus and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes.
2009年5月6日 · A number of confirmed human cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 (swine flu) infection have been reported in Mexico and several other countries. Originally known to circulate among pig populations, the swine flu viruses do occasionally infect human beings.
香港現正處於流感季節性高峰期,最新的病例大多數是由導致2009年流感大流行的人類豬型流感H1N1病毒引致。香港中文大學(中大)內科及藥物治療學系感染及傳染病科、微生物學系聯同何鴻燊防治傳染病研究中心在2009至2010年進行了一項研究,分析了在新界東醫院聯網內382名因人類豬型流感而入院 ...
2017年7月7日 · 人类猪型流感 (甲型流感/H1N1)及食物安全. 人类猪型流感是由甲型流感/H1N1病毒引起。. 最近国际间爆发的人类猪型流感,已出现人与人之间的传播。. 市民亦关注猪只可能会感染这种病毒,并担心猪肉和猪肉产品的安全。. 联合国粮食及农业组织、世界 ...
2017年7月7日 · Human swine influenza is caused by the influenza A/H1N1 virus. In the recent international human swine flu outbreak, human-to-human transmission has occurred. There are concerns about the possibility of this virus infecting pigs and the safety of pork and pork products.