雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1997年1月7日 · These are the versions of Schedule 1 of the old Companies Ordinance (Cap.32) compiled for reference as the provisions in Table A of Schedule 1 might apply to or have been adopted by companies as their articles of association before the commencement date of

  2. resolution, including, so far as they apply to the company, the regulations contained in Table A in the First Schedule annexed to the Companies Ordinance 1865 (1 of 1865), or in that table as altered in pursuance of powers given under that Ordinance, or in Table

  3. TABLE A. [ss. 11, 114A & 360.] PART I. REGULATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT OF A COMPANY LIMITED. BY SHARES, NOT BEING A PRIVATE COMPANY. Interpretation. 1. In these regulations- . "Ordinance" means the Companies Ordinance, Chapter 32; "seal" means the common seal of the company;

  4. Companies Ordinance, 1911, or in that table as altered in pursuance of section 117 of the last mentioned Ordinance, or in Table A in the First Schedule to this Ordinance; 'book and paper' and 'book or paper' include accounts, deeds, writings, and documents;

  5. 採用了適應性網頁設計後,你可簡易地變更字型大小,配合個人需要。快速鍵 假如你使用桌上型電腦瀏覽「公司註冊處」網頁,近代的瀏覽器可讓用家按著Ctrl鍵(在Macintosh鍵盤上是Command鍵)和+/-鍵來放大或縮小字型,而按著Ctrl鍵和0則可回復預設大小。

  6. The directors may exercise all the powers of the company to borrow money, and to mortgage or charge its undertaking, property and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, and to issue debentures, debenture stock, and, subject to section 57B of the Ordinance

  7. Table A and Model Articles 1. The regulations contained in (a) Table A in the First Schedule to the predecessor of the Companies Ordinance and (b) Model Articles in Schedule 1 of the Companies (Model Articles) Notice (Chapter 622H of the Laws of Hong 2.