更簡單嘅網上理財體驗. 隨時隨地理財都得心應手、輕鬆方便! 升級版Citibank網上理財以全新面貌同大家見面喇! 無論用Citi Mobile ® App抑或桌面電腦,都會享用到一致、無縫嘅理財體驗。 仲有,新增功能更簡單易用,您可以隨時隨地自助理財,輕鬆方便。 重點功能逐個睇. 於不同設備體驗無縫嘅銀行體驗. 無論喺Citi Mobile ® App、平板抑或桌面電腦都能體驗升級版功能,享受無縫嘅銀行體驗。 爲您提供精彩獨家禮遇. 我哋會因應您嘅個人需要,細心挑選啱您嘅理財產品同服務,仲有好多獎賞同優惠等緊您。 千祈唔好錯過呢個機會! 更安全的 「二維碼認證」 只可以使用已綁定流動裝置上嘅Citi Mobile® App 認證網上理財交易。 唔洗再手動輸入SMS六位數一次性密碼。
Borrow only if you can repay! With Citibank Personal Online banking, enjoy a seamless and hassle-free digital banking experience right at your fingertips. Manage your finances whenever and wherever you are.
請登入Citi Mobile ® App →按左上角的「我的檔案」圖示 →按「推送通知 」. 請注意: 推送通知設定不可於Citibank網上理財更改。. 但您可登入Citibank網上理財 > 服務 > 我的資料 > Citi Alerts 提示服務,查看您現時推送通知之設定狀況。. 由於谷歌Play沒有於中國提供服務 ...
Citibank. Important Information. You are now leaving the Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited website and entering a third party site. All the information you provide will be subject to confidentiality and security terms of the applicable third party site. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited does not take responsibility for information you provide at such ...
1. 登入Citi Mobile®App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 2. 按「新增付款交易」 然後選擇繳費用途. 3. 選擇付款週期. 4. 輸入付款金額及賬單付款日期. 5. 選擇信用卡及是否憑此交易賺取積分或回贈. 6. 選擇現有收款人或輸入新收款人之付款詳情及備註. 7. 核對及確認交易. 付款至指定商戶. 1. 登入Citi Mobile® App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 1. 登入Citi Mobile® App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 2. 按「新增付款交易」 然後選擇繳費用途 (可選擇已儲存之收款賬戶) 3. 選擇付款週期.
使用Citi Plus信用卡網上簽賬及健身會籍賺3X積分,並且積分不設兌換限期,而且無需年費。. 憑Citi Plus信用卡,生活Level up獎賞更+多。.
How to bind your Citi Credit Card? Pay with your points in a few simple steps. Pay for OpenRice Pay, Takeaway, Booking with Menu and Voucher Services using your points directly! Settle your payment with eligible Citi Credit Card to enjoy Pay with Points. Verify your identity. Offset your spending with your Points. 1. 2. 3.