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  1. 2018年8月24日 · The cycling trail from Tai Wai to Tai Mei Tuk along Tolo Harbour and Science Park is one of Hong Kong’s most stunning cycling routes. Follow our guide for an adventurous pedalling excursion.

    • 大圍 ↔ 大尾篤單車路線
    • 大圍 ↔ 馬鞍山、烏溪沙單車路線
    • 香港旅遊優惠

    大圍到大美督這條路線應該最為人熟悉,十分適合新手,因為沿路有完善的單車徑,而且景色很美。 1. 總長度 (單程由大圍至大尾督):24 km 2. 時間:約3小時 3. 起點:港鐵大圍站A出口 4. 終點:大美督,可搭乘20C小巴,或75K、275R巴士(只在星期日及公眾假期提供服務),前往港鐵大埔墟站。 麗豪酒店 staycation:Klook / KKday / Agoda / 特色按摩體驗

    同樣大圍出發,這條路線比較冷門,不過風景也十分優美, 1. 總長度 (來回大圍至烏溪沙):26 km 2. 時間:約4小時(來回) 3. 起點:港鐵大圍站A出口 4. 終點:港鐵大圍站A出口 帝逸酒店 staycation:Klook / KKday / Agoda / 下午茶

    ⇨ 新手美股課程:建造穩定收入的投資組合,比別人提早10~30年退休
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  2. 2023年12月25日 · The bike ride from Tai Wai to Tai Mei Tuk is a must-do activity for anyone visiting Hong Kong. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the city’s natural beauty while getting some exercise and fresh air.

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  3. Average cycling time: 2.5 hours | Distance: About 22 km | Difficulty: Easy. Offering a traffic-free bike path, Sha Tin is a great starting point for family rides. You can start off near Shing Mun River, ride along the scenic coastline of Tolo Harbour, then head for Tai Mei Tuk for a view of the beautiful lake. Stop 1. Stop 2. Stop 3. Stop 4.

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  4. Cycle your way to Tai Mei Tuk. See the giant Guan Yin Statue as you ride to Tai Mei Tuk. Ride for another hour from Tai Po Waterfront Park to Tai Mei Tuk. The view of Tai Mei Tuk is a hidden gem in Hong Kong that provides an absolutely stunning view of the Plover Cove Reservoir.

  5. 其他人也問了

  6. If you haven’t tried to go cycling in Hong Kong yet, it is a shame! it is so pleasant to ride a bicycle in remote areas of Kowloon or in the New Territorie s. We’ve done it quite a few times and today I am detailing the path from Tai Wai (Sha Tin) to Tai Po or Tai Mei Tuk, along the Tolo Harbour.

  7. 2020年7月16日 · Tai Mei Tuk is a family favourite in the New Territories, equipped with barbecue sites, a water sports centre and exclusive views of Plover Cove Reservoir. The most prominent feature that sets the New Territories apart from CBD areas is the abundance of cycling trails.