雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.aeon.com.hk › tc › htmlAEON信用卡

    信用卡及貸款申請服務. 購物簽賬分期. 現金預支及現金套現分期服務. 確認新卡. 自動櫃員機提款服務. 重要提示:「短訊發送人登記制」 助你識別由AEON發送之短訊. 為防止騙徒冒充信譽良好的機構發送短訊,並保障市民免受詐騙短訊的侵害,通訊事務管理局辦公室 (通訊辦)與電訊業合作,推出「短訊發送人登記制」,以助市民識別短訊發送人的身分,打擊詐騙活動。 為協助客戶識別短訊發送人的身分, AEON信貸財務 (亞洲) 有限公司 (AEON) 已參與「短訊發送人登記制」並登記成為「已獲認證的發送人」。 由2024年6月3日上午開始,AEON只會以「#」號開頭的「已登記的短訊發送人名稱」發出短訊予使用本地流動服務之客戶。 #AEONNOTICE. #AEONHK.

  2. Our service objective is to take care our customers in a thoughtful and swift manner by providing diversified and comprehensive services with quality. To achieve this objective, we have implemented free online service in some selected branches.

  3. 於指定之商戶AEON卡持有人可使用信用卡支付購物交易,購物金額將於賬戶的可用額內扣除,一般分為6至24期(視乎商戶及貨品而定),每期供款額將於信用卡賬戶內按月誌賬至

  4. www.aeon.com.hk › en › pdfAEON信用卡


  5. 麥皮牛油蝦. Sambal Kang Kung or Fried Chinese Kale with Salted Fish and Garlic.

  6. The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of AEON Credit Service (Asia) Company Limited (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that with effect from 14th June 2006: Mr. Lai Yuk Kwong, currently an Executive Director of the Company, has been appointed as the Deputy Managing Director of the Company; and.

  7. www.aeon.com.hk › en › privilegei-Flyer

    Our travel insurance plan lets you explore the world without worries. Complete your online application in less than 3 minutes. Act now and start your extraordinary journey. Single Travel Insurance - Key Coverages. Personal accident protection up to HK$1,000,000. Covers amateur dangerous sports ^ Reimburses rental vehicle excess up to HK$5,000.

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