雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 有關車輛牌照及登記的申請事項. 如有關車輛需接受檢驗,請附上機動車輛全面檢驗及格證書或汽車機械及格證書或汽車機械及格證書。. 已毀損的車輛登記文件。. 已毀損的車輛牌照。. 未滿期的牌照及車輛拆毀證明書或運送文件。. 車輛牌照、車輛登記文件及 ...

  2. The existing owner should ensure that the new owner submit the original “Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicle (Except Taxi)” to the Transport Department in order to complete the transfer of vehicle ownership procedures within 72 hours after the vehicle is transferred to the new owner, otherwise, the transfer of ownership is incomplete.

  3. 為配合不停車繳費系統實施,由2021年11月1日起,申請人在遞交與車輛有關的申請時, 必須 提供一個香港流動電話號碼或電郵地址,作為「電子聯絡方式」,未有提供「電子聯絡方式」的申請將不獲處理。. 詳情請按此 。. 下載表格只提供英文版及繁體中文版 ...

  4. 如果你持有的車輛牌照將於未來四個月內到期,或已到期但未滿二年,即可使用此項新服務,預約到就近的牌照事務處續領車輛牌照。. 網上預約續領車輛牌照、車輛過戶、申請車輛登記文件複本/車輛牌照複本或保留/轉移車輛登記號碼 更多關於續領車輛牌照 ...

  5. You may make an appointment to renew your vehicle licence, transfer vehicle ownership, or retain/assign vehicle registration mark with the online or telephone appointment booking services offered by the Transport Department.

  6. 4. 2024/7/20 下午 07:30:35 運輸署提醒市民,為配合今天(2024年7月20日)晚上7時30分在尖沙咀東舉行的無人機表演,尖沙咀一帶的道路已臨時封閉,禁止所有車輛駛入。駕駛人士請避免駕車前往上述受道路封閉影響的地區。

  7. If the vehicle is not used on roads during the unlicensed period, the vehicle owner may make a declaration on the application form (TD558) to apply for waiving this additional fee at the counter of a Licensing Office of the Transport Department or when making an

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