雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. he Tenant named therein.租客不得轉讓、轉租或分租該物業或其他任何部份或將該物業或其他任何部份的佔用權 . 予任何其他人等。此租約權 . 為租客個人擁有。The Tenant shall comply with all ordinances, regulations and rules of Hong Kong and shall observe and perform the covenants, terms and ...

  2. Template for Tenancy Agreement (for a Regulated Tenancy to which Part IVA of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap. 7) applies) (Disclaimer: This template is prepared by the Housing Bureau for general reference only. The landlord

  3. Book traversal links for Template tenancy agreement ‹ previous ‹ 上一頁 ‹ 上一页 back to top 返回首頁 返回首页 next ›下一頁 › 下一页 › 選擇副題 住宅租約範本 住宅租約: 關於加蓋印花、註冊及提交表格CR109的指引 ...

  4. 如果你不經代理,要自己準備租約(Tenancy Agreement),千居為你準備一份完整的租約範本文末更有租約範本供下載! 註:如果是經代理租屋,一般代理公司已有制定一份租約範本,而和你睇樓的該位代理,普遍亦會主動就單位的個別情況,為租約作出修訂或添加 ...

  5. Template tenancy agreement Guidance notes for the stamping, registration and submission of Form CR 109 for a residential tenancy agreement A. Introduction B. Stamping Procedures C. Registration Procedures D. Submission of Form CR109 Acknowledgment

  6. 雙方現同意以下所載事項: 處所、租期及租金. 第3 部所列者,租金則為附表一第4部所�. 者,雙方並須遵照以下條�. . 部 2 第 強制性條款. (A) 租賃協議. 3. 就本協議( 包括其對應本)徵收的印花稅,須由業主單獨承擔。 4. 業主在收到經租客簽署的本協議( 包括其對應本)後,須 — 本協議( 包括其對應本) 根據《印花稅條例》( 第117 章)加蓋印. 5. (a) . 在30日內,將經雙方簽署並加蓋印花的本協議對應本,交回租客。 如業主沒有根據第4(b)條,交回經雙方簽署並加蓋印花的本協議對應本,租客可將租金扣起,暫不繳付,直至業主交回該對應本為止。

  7. www.clic.org.hk › Files › TemplateTenancyAgreement(EN)[Name of Landlord] - CLIC

    TENANCY AGREEMENT. An Agreement made on the _________ day of _________ [month] of 20____ BETWEEN. ______________________ [Name of Landlord] (Holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No ________________) of ________________________________ [address of the Landlord] (the “Landlord’’); and.

  8. HK Agreement is the first website in Hong Kong that could help you to formulate a professional Tenancy Agreement for FREE, including Residential Tenancy Agreement, Commercial and Industrial Tenancy Agreement, and Car Park Tenancy Agreement. Bilingual form, simple to use.

  9. This feature article provided by the Hong Kong Government is about renting a domestic property. Content includes points to note when appointing an estate agent, signing a tenancy agreement, paying rents, continuing or terminating a tenancy, rights and responsibilities as a tenant and assistance from the Government.

  10. 除所租用之樓宇單位外,其他地方不得佔用。 租約期滿,住客如若繼續租賃或退租,須於1 個月之前,以書面通知(續租則另訂新約,方生效力)。 (三)該樓之租金,必須在每月租期之首星期內繳納,不得藉詞拖欠。如過期十天乙方仍未能將租金交予甲方,或乙方不履行合約內任何條件,則甲方有合法之權利將此合約終止, 另租與別人,並追收欠租。 (四)乙方遷出時,必須在租期內將全部傢俬搬走,以清手續。 倘若乙方藉故不交門匙、或留下破舊箱櫃等物不予搬走、故意阻延時間,在乙方遷出後三天以內仍不來取,作為放棄權利論。 甲方有權不經警方、不經租務法庭等手續,而協同一、二名見證人將該物出售,另行轉租;所賣之款作為彌補欠租;如有不足之數,乙方仍須負責,不得異議。

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