雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年8月29日 · 如果你向某些人詢問一些資訊,他們花時間回信給你,你就可以說 Thank you for the information 以表達你感謝他們為你所做的。你也可以使用 about 或 regarding 來指具體提供的資訊。比如: Thank you for the information about your current pricing. 4. Thank you

  2. 當一位客戶或同事在短時間內回覆了你先前的郵件時,透過表示 Thank you for your prompt reply 讓他們知道並謝謝他們如果他們回覆並不是很即時,只要把 prompt 拿掉就可以,或者,你也可以說:

  3. Thank you for your kind attentionis correct. We use “kind” hear because it works as an adjective to modify the noun “attention.” It’s suitable when we want to add an extra element of gratitude on top of what we’ve already said.

  4. 2020年7月29日 · 首先,來認識一下這些常使用於英文書信中的基本用語: 正式性程度等級 ★ : Thanks for all your help. 舉例來說,這邊可以用在例如感謝同事的協助你完成工作的時候, 而”thanks”較非正式且隨興,所以若是要向上司致謝的話, 用 "Thank you for all your help." 或是 "Thank you for all of your help." 較洽當喔! 正式性程度等級 ★★ : Thank you for replying. 這邊通常使用在感謝對方的回信, 也可以用 "Thank you for getting back to me,",但這句比較不那麼正式。 正式性程度等級 ★★ : Thank you for your note.

  5. 2022年6月10日 · 本周,筆者為大家帶來一系列英文Email結尾的範例,主要分為三大部份:「 I. 表示盼望儘快接獲回覆」、「II.表示謝意/感激」、「III. 表示期待……/希望…… 」。大家記得bookmark定呢篇article以備不時之需呀! I.「表示盼望盡快接獲回覆」: (Credit: https://stock.adobe.com ) 1. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated. 對於你的盡速回覆,我方將不勝感激 。 2. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience. 煩請盡快回覆。 3. We look forward to receiving your early reply.

  6. Thank you for raising your concerns. I appreciate your co-operation and will respond to your query very soon.” 感謝您提出的關注, 多謝您的合作, 我會很快回覆的查詢

  7. 2024年3月11日 · 1. Thank you for your Attention to this Matter. When acknowledging someone’s assistance in a specific situation, expressing gratitude for their support is both appreciative and to the point. Scenario Example: Subject: Follow-Up on Project Update. Hi Kinsley,

  8. 2017年8月30日 · Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. 謝謝你撥出時間和我見面。 Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 由衷感謝你。 【稍正式】 I’m grateful for your kind assistance. 我很感謝你好心的協助。 Thank you very much (indeed). 非常謝謝。 【正式】

  9. 2019年5月22日 · For example, you may be writing to thank someone or to thank another company for their help. Or perhaps you want to express your gratitude for them working with you this year. Thank you for your assistance with… / Thank you for your attention to this matter

  10. 2023年8月6日 · Responding to their emails is often a good idea, as it's a polite and appropriate gesture that can help you establish or promote a positive rapport. In this article, we show you how to thank a person for their response and provide several examples to help you create your own.