雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 牛奶公司(英文Dairy Farm)係亞洲搞零沽業務嘅公司,1886年喺香港開張,一路都係賣牛奶產品,1973年畀怡和洋行旗下嘅置地公司收購,開始將業務逐漸轉到零沽嗰邊。. 而家佢喺香港經營嘅業務包括7-11便利店、惠康超級市場、萬寧藥房、宜家家居同美心食品 ...

  2. DFI Retail Group is a leading pan-Asian retailer. The Group operates under a number of well-known brands across food, health and beauty, home furnishings, restaurants and other retailing in the region.

  3. The Dairy Farm Company Limited is incorporated in Hong Kong by Scottish surgeon Sir Patrick Manson and five prominent Hong Kong businessmen, with a capital of HK$30,000 and 80 head of cattle. The Company's founding objectives were: to improve the health of Hong Kong people by supplying clean and uncontaminated cows' milk at an affordable price ...

  4. DFI 零售集團的故事從十九世紀的香港開始,當時蘇格蘭外科醫生文遜與五位商人合作,立志改善香港社會的健康情況。. 他們在香港飼養進口牛隻,把不含細菌的新鮮牛奶以相宜價錢,每日供給予本港市民。. 在當時來說,這是一項重大挑戰,因為初到香港的牛 ...

  5. 牛奶国际,全名牛奶国际控股有限公司(Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd.,SGX:D01、LSE:DFIB,BSX:133),1980年代前名为牛奶公司,公司在百慕大注册,是怡和洋行属下在亚洲的一家零售集团,主要经营超级市场、量贩店、便利店及药房。.

  6. Buy now. Operate supermarket, convenience store and health and beauty chain store.

  7. Homepage | Dairy Farm Annual Report 2020. Dairy Farm At-a-Glance. Operating in 12 Asian markets and territories with over 9,997 retail outlets. Find out more. Highlights. Multi-year transformation programme helped the business adopt to the rapidly changing environment. Find out more.

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