the lutheran church hong kong synod 相關
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位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.
於是,他們 回應上帝的呼召,毅然留在香港開展了福音和救濟的 工作,組成了日後的「美國路德會香港分會」 (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Hong Kong Mission)。
News. Brothers and Sisters in Christ Help One Another Globally. Close cooperation between brothers and sisters in Christ knows no geographical or ethnic boundaries. Numerous service teams keep coming to Hong Kong from afar to help different units of our Synod. Concordia University Texas Team.
How did the Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod become a church?
Where can I find a Lutheran Church in Hong Kong?
When was the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod founded?
How many congregations does the LCHKS have?
Why did Lutheran missionaries come to Hong Kong?
How did the Lutheran Church change from a mission station to a synod?
The Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod. In 1915, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod sent missionaries to China. They preached the gospel along Changjiang in Hubei and Sichuan. The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod, HK & Macau Mission was established at that time.
The Lutheran Church—Hong Kong Synod (Chinese: 香港路德會) is a confessional Lutheran (信義宗) church body in Hong Kong. The LCHKS has nearly 40 congregations. The LCHKS grew from the China mission of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS), which was established in the early 1900s.
Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod. Address :68 Begonia Road, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel :2397 3721. Fax :2397 4826. Email
路德會聖三一堂隸屬於「香港路德會」 (Lutheran Church-Hong Kong Synod),是香港路德會屬下堂會 34 間的其中之一。. 聖三一堂以觀塘區居民為主要對象, 致力傳揚基督的愛和真理 。.
香港路德會 (英文: Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod )係 香港 認信信義宗 (英文:Confessional Lutheranism) 教會,有接近40個堂會同若干學校。 香港路德會起源於1900年代初建立嘅美國 密蘇里路德會 (英文:Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod) 中國分會。 歷史. 密蘇里路德會喺1915年派宣教士到中國宣教,響 湖北 、 四川 沿 長江 一帶口岸宣講 福音,並組成「中華福音道路德會」。 1949年 國共內戰 過後, 中國共產黨 響控制 中國大陸 後驅逐基督教傳教士,密蘇里路德會宣教士計劃返去 美國。