Discover a new side to Hong Kong with THE SOUTHSIDE, featuring luxury cinemas, dining options, and optimal browsing experience.
THE SOUTHSIDE是港島南區大型生活地標,樓高五層,佔地約51萬平方呎,並以南區獨特的海岸線為建築設計藍本,帶來一站式休閒品味生活體驗。 愜意舒適購物體驗
For an optimal site experience, we recommend using the latest versions (current and previous major releases) of the browsers listed below: \n- Microsoft Edge\n- Chrome\n- Firefox\n- Safari\n- Android\n\nUsing older browser versions can cause some site features to ...
為了獲得最佳的網站體驗,我們支援及建議使用下列瀏覽器的最新版本(當前及以前的主要版本): \n- Microsoft Edge\n- Chrome\n- Firefox\n- Safari\n- Android\n\n使用較舊的瀏覽器版本可能會導致某些網站功能無法按預期運行,我們建議您儘快遷移到上述瀏覽器 ...
For an optimal site experience, we recommend using the latest versions (current and previous major releases) of the browsers listed below: \n- Microsoft Edge\n- Chrome\n- Firefox\n- Safari\n- Android\n\nUsing older browser versions can cause some site features to ...
Best restaurants in THE SOUTHSIDE For an optimal site experience, we recommend using the latest versions (current and previous major releases) of the browsers listed below: \n- Microsoft Edge\n- Chrome\n- Firefox\n- Safari\n- Android\n\nUsing older browser versions can cause some site features to not function as expected.
SOUTHSIDE 購物指南 為了獲得最佳的網站體驗,我們支援及建議使用下列瀏覽器的最新版本(當前及以前的主要版本): \n- Microsoft Edge\n- Chrome\n- Firefox\n- Safari\n- Android\n\n使用較舊的瀏覽器版本可能會導致某些網站功能無法按預期運行,我們建議您儘快遷移到上述瀏覽器之一,以獲得最佳體驗。
Best restaurants in THE SOUTHSIDE 為了獲得最佳的網站體驗,我們支援及建議使用下列瀏覽器的最新版本(當前及以前的主要版本): \n- Microsoft Edge\n- Chrome\n- Firefox\n- Safari\n- Android\n\n使用較舊的瀏覽器版本可能會導致某些網站功能無法按預期運行,我們建議您儘快遷移到上述瀏覽器之一,以獲得最佳體驗。
Shops in The SOUTHSIDE For an optimal site experience, we recommend using the latest versions (current and previous major releases) of the browsers listed below: \n- Microsoft Edge\n- Chrome\n- Firefox\n- Safari\n- Android\n\nUsing older browser versions can cause some site features to not function as expected.
由即日起至2024年12月31日 (只限星期一至五;星期六、日及公眾假期除外),於city’super neighbourhood THE SOUTHSIDE店即日消費滿HK$100,可享1小時免費泊車^。