雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 以香港為本位的網上新聞平台,提供最熱門香港新聞資訊、政商時局評論、兩岸國際消息、大灣區發展政策動向、財經股市頭條、娛樂文化生活等專題 - 以精準分析評論,緊貼政經時事,致力用精彩圖片、文字和影片與讀者一起思考香港,放眼世界。

  2. THINK! provides road safety information for road users. Our aim is to encourage safer behaviour to reduce the number of people killed and injured on our road...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. www.ceopeducation.co.ukCEOP Education

    The National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse. We do this through our education programme, providing training, resources and information to professionals working with children, young people and their families.

  5. www.think.gov.uk › about-think › story-of-thinkStory of THINK! – THINK!

    Since then, THINK! has become recognised internationally for its iconic and ground-breaking campaigns that have challenged dangerous behaviours on Britain’s roads. Our campaigns have evolved from...

    • thinkuk1
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    • thinkuk3
    • thinkuk4
    • thinkuk5
  6. 尽管2003年“创意英国”活动的官方网站www.thinkuk.org.cn已经难觅踪迹,但“艺述英国”的官方网站没有任何曲终人散的迹象,并明确告知网友们:“尽管艺术节于2012年12月13日完美落幕,‘艺述英国’这一品牌将继续为广大的艺术爱好者和从业者呈现英国艺术的方

  7. 2003年7月11日 · Think UK, an initiative to show people in Shanghai the creative and innovative ideas from Britain and build rewarding partnerships between the citizens of the two countries, was launched on ...

  8. THINK! is relaunching the Mates for Life campaign to empower friends to intervene if the moment arises with the message ‘A mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive’. Learn more here.

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