雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We celebrate true connection with wedding band sets and couples’ rings that stand for love in all its forms. All Tiffany diamonds, from the smallest to the largest stone, feature unparalleled craftsmanship and meet exacting standards.

  2. 結婚對戒. Tiffany 以各款結婚對戒及情侶戒指,頌揚真正心連心的各種形式之愛。. 所有 Tiffany 鑽石,不論大小,皆經過精湛工藝的洗禮,符合多項精確標準。. 首頁. Love & Engagement. 篩選條件. Materials. Gemstones. Designers & Collections.

  3. Shop women’s wedding bands and rings from Tiffany & Co. The secret of Tiffany is in its quality and intricate details. Find the perfect wedding band for her!

  4. Discover the perfect diamond engagement rings & wedding rings for him and her at Tiffany & Co. Choose from princess cut, cushion cut, emerald cut and more.

  5. Tiffany rings are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship and timeless style. Explore classic signet rings or create your own ring stack.

  6. 我們的女士結婚戒指是恆久伴侶與承諾的象徵,均爲 Tiffany 大師級工匠精心打造的經典及當代作品。

  7. Tiffany & Co. engagement rings feature the world’s finest diamonds and unparalleled craftsmanship—signatures of the House for almost two centuries. Explore Engagement Rings The Tiffany Icons

  8. 疊戴金、銀、鉑金及鑽石戒指,吸引眾人目光,或是分戴在每隻手指上,讓力量層層放大。. 為常戴在尾指的金圖章戒指加上雕刻,讓它成為隨年月更添美態的英雄珍品。. 雞尾酒戒指就是您下一個大膽話題首飾;繽紛寶石不一定要有,但我們絕對推介。. 滿手的 ...

  9. 187 年來,Tiffany 的經典系列一直協助變化萬千的世界訴說不斷變幻的情話愛語。 Tiffany HardWear 系列 HardWear 系列源自 1962 年的設計,汲取紐約都市的活力靈感,寓意愛的變革之力。

  10. 這款戒指製作精巧,經得起時間淬鍊。. 佩戴一隻作為結婚戒指,或是將兩隻疊戴起來,塑造出摩登造型。. 每顆 Tiffany Forever 戒指都歌頌著終生不渝的愛情與承諾。. 這款戒指製作精巧,經得起時間淬鍊。. 佩戴一隻作為結婚戒指,或是將兩隻疊戴起來,塑造出 ...

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