雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 潮鯛與紅潮鯛(Seawater tilapia and seawater red tilapia)於1990年初,台灣一家民間企業透過品種篩選、飼料改進,甚至嘗試了海水養殖,最後成功研發比起其他海水潮鯛生長時間更短的超雄性吳郭魚,因雌性的吳郭魚生長速度比雄性慢,而最近研發出的(YY基因

  2. 潮鯛與紅潮鯛(Seawater tilapia and seawater red tilapia)於1990年初,台灣一家民間企業透過品種篩選、飼料改進,甚至嘗試了海水養殖,最後成功研發比起其他海水潮鯛生長時間更短的超雄性吳郭魚,因雌性的吳郭魚生長速度比雄性慢,而最近研發出的(YY基因

  3. 本词条由“科普中国”科学百科词条编写与应用工作项目 审核 。. 罗非鱼别称非洲鲫鱼、南鲫、越南鱼[16],是鲈形目丽鲷科[15]罗非鱼属[14]脊索动物。. 体侧扁,头中等大小,口端位;眼中等大小,略偏头部上方;上下段侧线有鳞片;背鳍发达,起点于鳃盖后缘 ...

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › TilapiaTilapia - Wikipedia

    Tilapia are low in saturated fat, calories, carbohydrates, and sodium, and are a good protein source. They also contain the micronutrients phosphorus, niacin, selenium, vitamin B 12, and potassium. Tilapia may be a less nutritious fish than generally believed.

  5. a fish that lives in rivers and lakes, originally from Africa but now living in many different places where it is eaten as food. 吳郭魚. Tilapia are farmed in many parts of the world. 吳郭魚在世界上很多地方都有養殖。. He ate a healthy supper of tilapia and brown rice. 他吃了一頓健康的晚餐——吳郭魚配糙米 ...

  6. 麗魚科Cichlidae,羅非魚屬Tilapia (有稱 麗鯛科 ,麗鯛屬),學名Red Tilmpa,是尼羅羅非魚和莫桑比克羅非魚雜交的 突變種 ,因魚體為紅色,稱紅羅非魚。. 也因其體色純紅,型似 真鯛 , 體腔 無 黑膜 ,肉質鮮嫩,且生長快,產量高,效益好,頗受消費者喜愛。. 紅 ...

  7. 您可能喜歡的食譜. 發掘更多簡易、美味食譜,讓你烹調出道道佳餚,為撃愛奉上滋味。.

  8. 2023年2月15日 · Tilapia is a popular but controversial fish. This article examines the evidence and reviews the benefits and dangers of eating tilapia.

  9. The species is an omnivorous fish with relatively low protein requirement. The feed has minimal amounts of fishmeal and fish oils, with a low fish-in-fish-out ratio, meaning that low volumes of fish are used to produce one kilogram of tilapia. The ingredient composition cannot be traced.

  10. 2015年1月1日 · Some of the most commonly farmed tilapia species and their hybrids are cultured in freshwater ponds and lakes of many countries. Besides being fast growers, tilapias are omnivorous and can thus be fed well on plant-based diets. However, several tilapia

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