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  1. 2020年4月28日 · tlpdb stands for (I think:-) tex live package data base, it is the main control file for the texlive package installation, it lists every package in texlive and whether you have it installed or not, which texlive mirror repository you use and lots of other details.

  2. tug.org › texlive › docTeXLive::TLPDB

    TeXLive::TLPDB->new creates a new TLPDB object. If the argument root is given it will be initialized from the respective location starting at $path. If $path begins with http:// , https:// , ftp:// , scp:// , ssh:// or user @ host : , the respective file is downloaded.

  3. 其他人也問了

    • Description
    • Examples
    • Options
    • Actions
    • Configuration File For tlmgr
    • Cryptographic Verification
    • User Mode
    • Multiple Repositories
    • Gui For tlmgr
    • Machine-readable Output

    tlmgr manages an existing TeX Live installation, both packages and configuration options. For information on initially downloading and installing TeX Live, see https://tug.org/texlive/acquire.html. The most up-to-date version of this documentation (updated nightly from the development sources) is available at https://tug.org/texlive/tlmgr.html, alo...

    After successfully installing TeX Live, here are a few common operations with tlmgr: tlmgr option repository ctan tlmgr option repository https://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet 1. Tell tlmgr to use a nearby CTAN mirror for future updates; useful if you installed TeX Live from the DVD image and want to have continuing updates. The two command...

    The following options to tlmgr are global options, not specific to any action. All options, whether global or action-specific, can be given anywhere on the command line, and in any order. The first non-option argument will be the main action. In all cases, --option and -option are equivalent, and an =is optional between an option name and its value...


    Display this help information and exit (same as --help, and on the web at https://tug.org/texlive/doc/tlmgr.html). Sometimes the perldoc and/or PAGER programs on the system have problems, resulting in control characters being literally output. This can't always be detected, but you can set the NOPERLDOC environment variable and perldocwill not be used.


    Gives version information (same as --version). If -vhas been given the revisions of the used modules are reported, too.


    backup [option...] --all backup [option...] pkg... 1. If the --clean option is not specified, this action makes a backup of the given packages, or all packages given --all. These backups are saved to the value of the --backupdir option, if that is an existing and writable directory. If --backupdir is not given, the backupdir option setting in the TLPDB is used, if present. If both are missing, no backups are made. (The installer sets backupdir to .../tlpkg/backups, under the TL root installat...

    tlmgr reads two configuration files: one is system-wide, in TEXMFSYSCONFIG/tlmgr/config, and the other is user-specific, in TEXMFCONFIG/tlmgr/config. The user-specific one is the default for the conf tlmgr action. (Run kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG or ... TEXMFCONFIG ...to see the actual directory names.) A few defaults corresponding to comma...

    tlmgr and install-tl perform cryptographic verification if possible. If verification is performed and successful, the programs report (verified) after loading the TLPDB; otherwise, they report (not verified). But either way, by default the installation and/or updates proceed normally. If a program named gpg is available (that is, found in PATH), by...

    tlmgrprovides a restricted way, called ``user mode'', to manage arbitrary texmf trees in the same way as the main installation. For example, this allows people without write permissions on the installation location to update/install packages into a tree of their own. tlmgr is switched into user mode with the command line option --usermode. It does ...

    The main TeX Live repository contains a vast array of packages. Nevertheless, additional local repositories can be useful to provide locally-installed resources, such as proprietary fonts and house styles. Also, alternative package repositories distribute packages that cannot or should not be included in TeX Live, for whatever reason. The simplest ...

    The graphical user interface for tlmgr requires Perl/Tk https://search.cpan.org/search?query=perl%2Ftk. For Unix-based systems Perl/Tk (as well as Perl of course) has to be installed outside of TL. https://tug.org/texlive/distro.html#perltkhas a list of invocations for some distros. For Windows the necessary modules are no longer shipped within TeX...

    With the --machine-readable option, tlmgrwrites to stdout in the fixed line-oriented format described here, and the usual informational messages for human consumption are written to stderr (normally they are written to stdout). The idea is that a program can get all the information it needs by reading stdout. Currently this option only applies to t...

  4. 2021年3月4日 · 检查列在 TLPDB (texlive.tlpdb) 是否真的存在, 列出不存在的软件包. runfiles 列出在执行文件中出现多次的文件名, 除了已知的重复文件名. texmfdbs 检查与 ls-R 相关的文件.

  5. 2020年7月21日 · TLPdb is a comprehensive thaumatin-like protein resource database of various organisms. The database can serve as a unique Bioinformatics tool for understanding the TLPs. This further may help in understanding and the development of fungal resistant crops

  6. 2020年10月28日 · Full name: Thaumatin-Like Proteins database. Description: TLPdb is a comprehensive thaumatin-like protein resource database of various organisms, it contains sequences, structures, and amino acid compositions of validated, published TLP protein sequences (from the plant, fungal as well as animal sources) Year founded: 2020.

  7. tlpdb options (prefix tlpdbopt_) The definitive list is given in tlpkg/TeXLive/TLConfig.pm , in the hash %TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions , together with explanations. All items given there except for tlpdbopt_location can be specified.

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