雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MK雙色可可風味塔餅 134g torte cookies 香醇濃郁 酥脆可口 下午茶. 特色:知名品牌北日本人氣餅乾、聖誕限定包裝,香氣濃郁、甜而不膩,易入口大小,一次品嚐兩種可可風味,無論配茶、咖啡皆適宜. 品名:MK雙色可可風味塔餅. 淨重:134公克. 產地:日本山形縣 ...

  2. Our stores are located in the heart of Hong Kong, surrounded by vibrant streets and a bustling cityscape that perfectly complements the unique taste of our cookies. You’ll find our store easily accessible and conveniently located, making it the perfect stop for locals and tourists alike.

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  3. 在品嚐了無數美味的曲奇後,我們發現了香港最好的新手工曲奇餅店。.

  4. HK$68 | 條件:新 | 全新日本 Bourbon Torte Cookies 什錦曲奇 5款口味,共60枚。 新年送禮及自食都可以。 到期日: 2023年9月 不設郵寄。

  5. 内容量: 60塊.

    • ブルボン Bourbon
  6. 2024年4月19日 · To share our love of the world’s favourite sweet treat, here is our list of the top 10 cookies in Hong Kong you can get your hands on, from Cookie DPT and Butter Cookies to Cookie Vission and Cookies Quartet.

  7. In addition to its classic butter cookies, Jenny Bakery offers an assortment of other flavors such as raisin oat, coffee, and shortbread, all made without any preservatives or coloring and with GMO-free ingredients. These cookies can last up to three months and make perfect gifts for any occasion.