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  1. transmission of lenses 相關



  1. The transmission factor (the proportion of light that actually makes its way to the sensor) depends on the optical formula (the number of lenses, the glass and coating formulas) and to a lesser degree on the shooting parameters.

  2. 2014年7月17日 · A transmission of 100% (all the light from the scene that makes up the photo passes through the lens onto the sensor) means that the t-stop is the same as the f-stop (e.g. f/2.8 gives t/2.8). A transmission of 79% means 1/3 of a stop of light is lost (e.g. f/2.8 gives t/3.2)

  3. 2021年12月23日 · The transparency and refractive properties of the lens are maintained by the cellular physiology provided by an internal microcirculation system that utilizes spatial differences in ion channels, transporters and gap junctions to establish standing electrochemical

    • 10.3389/fphys.2021.818649
    • 2021
    • Front Physiol. 2021; 12: 818649.
  4. 2021年1月12日 · Meta-lenses can be designed to achieve a variety of functions, such as diffraction-limited focusing, high focusing efficiency, and aberration correlation, which are useful in various application scenarios. This review focuses on the recent progress in meta-lenses, from fundamentals to applications.

    • Mu Ku Chen, Yongfeng Wu, Lei Feng, Qingbin Fan, Minghui Lu, Ting Xu, Din Ping Tsai
    • 2021
  5. 2010年3月8日 · Full knowledge of the transmission matrix enables disordered materials to focus light as lenses. Optical elements such as lenses and polarizers are used to modify the propagation of light. The transformations of the optical wave front that these elements perform are described by simple and straightforward transmission matrices (Fig. 1).

  6. Fourier transforming by lenses. Imaging: the 4F system. The 4F system (telescope with finite conjugates one focal distance to the left of the objective and one focal distance to the right of the collector, respectively) consists of a cascade of two Fourier transforms. image plane. plane wave illumination. thin transparency.

  7. 2024年4月3日 · Unveil the intricacies of Visible Light Transmission (VLT) while exploring how it determines the darkness of sunglass lenses and impacts your visual comfort and safety. Our comprehensive guide dives deep into VLT's role in sunglass categorization, ensuring you