雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. As a federation of trade associations, the TIC will in the days to come continue to be committed to serving its members, seeking business opportunities for travel agents and promoting development of the travel industry. Know More About the Council.

  2. 2024-07-11. 用心服務會員,為業界發聲,積極推動行業持續發展. 議會作為行業總商會,在未來的日子將繼續專心致志為會員服務,致力為旅行社爭取營運空間,積極推動旅遊業發展。 了解議會更多. 活動涵蓋各方資訊. 顯示更多. 課程切合業界需要. 顯示更多.

  3. To apply for Ordinary Membership, the applicant shall meet the following criteria: It is a limited company incorporated or registered in Hong Kong. Its only business is travel-related and tourism. It is a member of one of the eight Association Members.

  4. 2023年3月26日 · 香港旅游业议会(英语: Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong ),成立于1978年,是获香港政府承认的业界自我监督组织。 1988年起,获 香港法例 《 旅行代理商条例 》授权,外游旅行社须先成为旅议会会员,然后才可向政府旅行代理商注册处申请旅行代理商 ...

  5. Change of TIC’s office hours From 2 January 2021, the office hours of the TIC Executive Office have been changed to: Monday to Friday: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: closed. Cultural and Heritage Sites Local Tour Incentive Scheme The Government announced the launch of a three-year Cultural and Heritage Sites Local Tour Incentive Scheme to ...

  6. 香港旅遊業議會(英語: Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong ),成立於1978年,是獲香港政府承認的業界自我監督組織。 1988年起,獲 香港法例 《 旅行代理商條例 》授權,外遊旅行社須先成為旅議會會員,然後才可向政府旅行代理商註冊處申請旅行代理商牌照 ...

  7. 旅遊業監管局是根據《旅遊業條例》(第634章)於2020年1月成立的法定監管機構,主要負責有關旅行代理商、導遊和領隊的發牌和規管事宜。 了解更多. 快速連結. 主席的話. 行政總裁的話. 聯絡我們.

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