TRIPROLIDINE (TRIPROLIDINE HCL)的用量、作用機轉、副作用、懷孕及哺乳用藥與藥物交互作用,TRIPROLIDINE (TRIPROLIDINE HCL)適應症:過敏性鼻炎、枯草熱引起之鼻水、打噴嚏、眼睛及喉部搔癢及過敏引起之搔癢。
2023年8月2日 · What is triprolidine? Triprolidine is an antihistamine that is used to treat sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and throat, and itchy or watery eyes caused by allergies such as hay fever. Triprolidine may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Triprolidine is an over-the-counter antihistamine with anticholinergic properties. [1] It is used to combat the symptoms associated with allergies and is sometimes combined with other cold medications designed to provide general relief for flu -like symptoms. [2]
Triprolidine is an antihistamine used to relieve symptoms of allergy, hay fever, and the common cold. These symptoms include rash, watery eyes, itchy eyes /nose/throat/ skin, cough, runny nose,...
2024年10月25日 · Active Ingredient. pseudoephedrine hydrochloride. triprolidine hydrochloride. Date of Registration#. : 31 May, 1984. Notes: There is news related to local recall of this product within six months. For more details, please click the red flag of the product.
Triprolidine為長效性抗組織胺劑,作用持續時間可達12小時。 其兼具擬副交感神經遮斷作用而減輕鼻溢,對於過敏性鼻炎、竇炎等可緩解過敏現象。 適應症
鹽酸曲普利啶 為抗組胺藥,可消除或減輕流淚、 打噴嚏 和 流涕 等 症状。 [ 適應症 ] 各種過敏性疾患,包括 過敏性鼻炎 、 結膜炎 、 蕁麻疹 、 支氣管哮喘 、花粉熱、動植物、食物引起的過敏等. [用量用法] 口服成人每次-2粒,每日-3次,6歲以上兒童每次/2 膠囊,每日2次,2-6歲,每次/3膠囊,每日2次,2歲以下嬰幼兒每次劑量按0.05mg/kg體重計算藥量或遵醫囑。 [ 不良反應 ] 除個別對藥物有特異性過敏者禁用外,本品 毒性 及 副作用 極小,偶有 嗜睡 噁心 不適等,減量或停藥後症状自行消失。 注意事項.
Mechanism of Action: Triprolidine, an alkylamine derivative, is an H 1-receptor antagonist with antimuscarinic and mild sedating effects. It provides dose-related inhibition of histamine-induced wheal and flare reactions which results in the prevention and suppression of the signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis and other upper respiratory ...
Triprolidine - oral. Patient Medicine Information. Why do I need this medicine? Triprolidine helps temporarily relieve symptoms of allergy, such as runny nose, itch, watery eyes, and sneezing. How do I take this medicine? Take Triprolidine exactly as directed by your doctor or according to the instructions on the label.
It provides effective, temporary relief of sneezing, watery and itchy eyes, and runny nose due to hay fever and other upper respiratory allergies. Triprolidine has anticholinergic and sedative effects. Mechanism of action. Triprolidine binds to the histamine H1 receptor.