雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Uber Comfort 的車輛較新提供寬敞空間讓你坐得舒適自在,並由經驗豐富的高評分司機駕駛。

  2. Uber Comfort gives you newer vehicles with proper legroom and highly rated, experienced drivers. Service preferences Let your driver know in advance whether you'd prefer to chat or not, and choose from 4 temperature presets, directly from the app.

  3. 2019年12月13日 · Uber其實早在19年中已在國外推出「Comfort(優步舒適)」的叫車選項,如選擇它,系統可以為用家篩選乘坐更寬敞舒適的車輛外,更可以提出「用家偏好」,如想不想與司機有更多「對話交流」(如司機設定靜音的GPS導航、不會開音樂或較清靜不打擾乘客等)、「溫度」(車廂溫度較冷或較暖),設定好「偏好」後,司機接單時便可以得知乘客的偏好而作出調節。 另外,Comfort會選擇4.85分以上的司機,亦會選擇車廂較大、腳位較闊的車款。 Uber Comfort自動派出較闊落舒適的車型(林勇攝) 以往如果想平,都會call UberX或Flash,不過大都是細車款為主,對於乘坐感覺未必會太舒適(尤其高大乘客坐得特別侷促)。

  4. 什麼是 Uber Comfort?. Uber Comfort is a new product that we're testing in an effort to provide riders with more options to elevate their riding experience on a day-to-day basis. Vehicles eligible for Uber Comfort are required to have more head and legroom than vehicles eligible for UberX.

  5. 2019年12月12日 · Comfort 為你提供更寬敞的車廂空間和個人化的乘車體驗,讓你可以放心休息。. 為了助你放鬆身體和心情,Comfort 特別設有較高門檻:. 車輛 —— 精選車廂寬敞和較新的車輛 (例如 BMW 3-series, Honda Freed) 個人化體驗 —— 預約行程時,你可選擇在行程期間 ...

  6. Uber Comfort is a new product that we're testing in an effort to provide riders with more options to elevate their riding experience on a day-to-day basis. Vehicles eligible for Uber Comfort are required to have more head and legroom than vehicles eligible for UberX.

  7. Uber Comfort is a new product that we're testing in an effort to provide riders with more options to elevate their riding experience on a day-to-day basis. Vehicles eligible for Uber Comfort are required to have more head and legroom than vehicles eligible for UberX.

  8. 2019年12月12日 · 今次新增的乘車選項Uber Comfort將讓乘客獲得高評分,即4.85 分或以上的司機提供服務,以及會獲安排乘坐較新及更寬敞的車輛。 增個人化選項 靜音車廂及溫度偏好 此外,用戶可透過 Uber Comfort 及Uber Black的上進行乘客偏好設定,自訂車廂溫度及寧靜

  9. 2019年12月12日 · The line-up of new products will see the launch of Comfort, which provides riders with elevated services from top-rated driver-partners and vehicles with more legroom. In addition, we’ve made changes to Black – reintroducing it as a luxurious option that matches riders with high-end vehicles.

  10. 2019年12月12日 · 【星島日報報道】Uber宣布推出一項新系列的乘車選項「Comfort」,此項乘客將能夠享受由高評分司機夥伴提供的服務,以及乘坐更寬敞舒適的車輛。 另外,Uber亦更新乘車選項的 「Black」,日後可把乘客與更高級的房車配對。

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