uber xl hong kong 相關
廣告上個月有 超過 1 萬 名用戶曾瀏覽 uber.com
Guaranteed Earnings In Your First Month Driving With Uber. Terms Apply. Rent a Car From Our Vehicle Partners That Fits Your Schedule and Budget
乘搭 UberXL 的原因. 舒適接載服務,適合 6 人團體 (或額外行李) 價格實惠,適合每日乘搭. 舒適的小型貨車和旅行車. 如何預約 UberXL 行程. 進一步了解乘搭方法. 1.預約. 打開 App,然後在"「目的地? 」" 空格內輸入目的地。 確定上車地點及目的地地址均正確後,請在畫面下方選擇 [UberXL],然後點按 [確定 UberXL]。 配對成功後,你將會看到司機相片和車輛詳細資料,並可在地圖上追蹤車輛的到達時間。 2.乘搭. 坐上 UberXL 前,請檢查車輛詳細資料是否與 App 中所列的資料相符。 對於目的地及最快的行車路線,司機已有充分了解,但你亦可隨時要求行駛特定路線。 3.輕鬆下車.
Request UberXL for a van or SUV that fits up to 6 people at an affordable price. It's perfect for a family trip or a ride to the airport.
UberX 的行程選項為乘客提供經濟實惠又可靠的日常接載服務。 車輛要求: 4 門車輛,5 座位或 7 座位,車齡 15 年內 乾淨整齊
Vehicles on UberXL must meet the following requirements: - Vehicles must be less than 15 model years old (maybe newer depending on local regulation). - Use an eligible 4-door vehicle. - Have at least one year of licensed driving experience in the United States (3 years if you are under 25 years old). - Have a valid US driver’s license.
香港優步(英文: Uber Hong Kong )係優步由2014年6月開始喺香港提供嘅服務,而家有UberBLACK豪華房車、UberX、UberXL(前稱Uber7)、UberASSIST(關懷優步)、Uber Flash總共五類租車服務,又曾經推出過UberTAXI的士同埋全球首創嘅UberVAN。
UberXL for 5 people and luggages from HK Airport. 5 years ago. Can we fit in a UberXL? We have three adults, two kids and 6 luggages. Does it require car seats for my kids 5 and 8 years old? Also, is the price similar as taxi from HK airport to Tsim Sha Tsui? Thanks! Edited: 5 years ago. Report inappropriate content. 1-10 of 15 replies. Sorted by.
Are Uber and Lyft available in Hong Kong? Do Didi and Ola pickup at airports? How much do rideshare drivers earn in Hong Kong? This page lists all available rideshare services that RideGuru tracks for Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Scroll down for