雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Renew, replace or apply for an adult or child British passport if you’re living abroad or working overseas - forms, prices, how long it takes.

  2. If you are travelling in more than 3 weeks, check if you can get a new or replacement passport in time to travel. If you are not a British citizen or have not had a British passport before

  3. 2015年8月25日 · Use this guide to help you apply for a British National Overseas (BNO) passport from Hong Kong.

  4. 2024年4月25日 · BNOBritish National (Overseas) passport)是可入境英國停留6個月的「有限居留許可」,隨著落實BNO平權後,持有人及其受養人,包括配偶、伴侶及18歲以下子女,都可以獲得5年有限居留許可,並有讀書及工作權利,持有人不能使用包括政府福利金在內的英國公共資金,定居5年後另加1年便可申請入籍,成為英國公民,不會設配額。 英國買樓網站推介|程序/稅/首期需知【附12種費用+3大按揭分別】 BNO申請/續領須知. 申請/續領BNO前,申請人必須準備定各項文件、合規格證件相,據指現時香港有300萬人合資格申請BNO。 申請/續領BNO 4大程序: 前往網上申請 BNO網址. 於網上填妥資料、上載相片(下文有詳解照片要求及規格)及網上繳費.

  5. Applying for a British National Overseas (BNO) passport from Hong Kong. You must apply online: https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports. How to apply. 1. Get a digital passport photo. There...

  6. Applying for a British National Overseas (BNO) passport from Hong Kong. 在香港申請英國國民(海外)護照. 您必須線上申請,網址: https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports. 如何申請. 獲取護照用數位照片有三種方式: 在家拍攝-...

  7. After the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China on 1 July 1997, the British National (Overseas) passport became the most popular travel document among the people of Hong Kong. From April 1997 to the end of 2006, the British government has issued a total of 794,457 BN (O) passports.

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