2022年5月20日 · 大學面試十分重要,尤其是自我介紹(Self-introduction)! 大學Interview一定有自我介紹的環節。 應付大學面試,一個出色的引入可以留下一個深刻的印象,但可謂出眾地介紹自己呢?
大學面試 自我介紹 4大注意事項. 從自我介紹率先帶出「申請動機」,最好是一個你獨有的「故事」,更重要的是,要符合個人特質最加分。. 若能凸顯故事中的難點和你的解決方法,會比別人更勝一籌!. 先準備好「為何自己適合這一科」的最大原因。. 千萬別 ...
第一段: 自我介紹 1st Paragraph: Self-introduction . 打算申請的大學及學系。你亦可以簡�. You shall tell reader about who you are, what programme you are currently attending, why you are eligible for the desired university and programme, you can even share a brief personal growth story in this very first paragraph. 第二段:學業成就 2nd Paragraph: Academic Performance.
2022年7月30日 · Here are some examples of self introduction in English that you can use to introduce yourself. You can check the video to learn more.. Self Introduction in English Examples. Example 1: Hello, my name is [name] and I am writing to introduce myself. My interests include photography, art, and music. I enjoy making things out of clay and woodworking.
2017年12月25日 · Here are few sample self-introductions for you to get a hang of how they’re done: Sample self-introductions
2020年6月10日 · 1 大學Interview首輪面試制度. -收比較多人既科,如工程、社會科學等等,大學面試時候表現好嘅話多數係幫DSE加分,加幾多視乎你既表現,通常由半分到兩分。 -表現出眾有機會有conditional offer,DSE到某個分數就會即刻收你,收比較高分或者收少人既科,例如中大內外全科醫學士,會更大機會以conditional offer獎勵Interview出眾嘅學生。 -每個科目嘅Interview Schedule都唔同,一定要上佢地嘅網站望清楚,同留意Email! -JUPAS排位時一定要留意,好多科 (尤其三大既科)既面試機會只會比DSE後擺Band A既學生,而且有啲1科如果你無去First Interview,有機會係放榜後要你補番! 2 面試前的準備、資料搜集.
2023年5月13日 · While introducing oneself, it is imperative to include information regarding themselves, academic background, preferences, family, and prior experiences. A good introduction is one that seems authentic, confident and compelling. Students must ensure that their introductions are clear and comprehensible.