雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Each HKUST program uses a specific formula to calculate admissions scores, based on the HKDSE scores of eligible JUPAS applicants. Please click here for the program specific minimum requirements and score formulae of 2024 JUPAS admissions.

  2. JUPAS Code. Score Calculation - No. of Subjects. Subject Weighting. Specified Subjects. Other Subjects (may include Core Subjects, Category A electives and M1/M2) English Language. Mathematics (Compulsory) Another Specified Subject. ---.

  3. Each HKUST program uses a specific formula to calculate admissions scores, based on the HKDSE scores of eligible JUPAS applicants. Please click here for the program specific minimum requirements and score formulae of 2024 JUPAS admissions.

  4. HKUST has released the 2024 JUPAS Admissions Expected Scores and the online score calculator for JUPAS applicants. Candidates achieving the "Expected Score" are considered competitive for 2024 Entry to specific program (s) put in Band A.

  5. 2021年7月2日 · NoteSity 小編今日邀請一位讀緊 ENGG 嘅學生分享關於呢科嘅實用資訊,希望幫到大家選擇 JUPAS 心儀嘅科目💛. 文章目錄. 一、ENGG 課程簡介. 二、JUPAS 收生分數及準則 (包括:admission score, interview 面試安排等等) 三、ENGG 出路. 四、關於讀 ENGG 常見問題. 一 ...

  6. Applicants may take note of its 2023 expected score of 34 as score reference instead. For more details about the entrance score reference for programs of the Business School, please refer to http://undergrad.bm.ust.hk/admissions/admission-information/jupas.

  7. 3. How will you calculate my score for admission criteria? What is the formula used? What subjects are a must? Will extracurricular activities or special skills (e.g. sportsmanship / musical talent) be counted?

  8. Jupas. Score Calculator. This calculator is for 2024 JUPAS admissions. Select Your Interested Programme. Programme Entrance Requirements and JUPAS Score Calculator will be shown after the programme is selected. $ {item} or. Full Programme List. $ {item} $ {programme.programme_name}

  9. HKUST Admissions 2024 - JUPAS. JUPAS applicants applying to HKUST are expected to satisfy the University’s general admissions requirements of four core subjects and two elective subjects with minimum attainment levels of “332A33”, and speci ic requirements set out by individual Schools or programs on subjects and subject attainment levels ...

  10. 2022年4月30日 · 今日, Tutor Circle 尋補 就整理了香港科技大學UST早前公布的 2022年收生數據(Admission Score) ,讓各位2023年應屆的DSE考生參考心儀科目的分數,讓你在選科及Jupas排位時更加得心應手,成功入讀心儀的大學學系! 延伸閱讀:【各大院校收生要求】 最新! 一文睇哂10間大學Admission Score、收生標準. 目錄. 香港科技大學收生分數(Admission Score)及面試安排. 香港科技大學收生要求. 常見問題. 香港本地大學的入學要求是什麼? 大學的收生分數是幾多? 香港科技大學收生分數(Admission Score)及面試安排. Search: 各間大學收分一覽: HKU收分 | CU收分 | UST收分.