雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. A verb phrase consists of a main verb alone, or a main verb plus any modal and/or auxiliary verbs. The main verb always comes last in the verb phrase: (mo = modal verb; aux = auxiliary verb; mv = main verb) We all [MV] laughed. Computers [MO] can [MV] be

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    • 動詞片語是什麼?
    • 小試身手
    • That’S All For Now!

    首先呢,動詞片語雖然聽起來挺深奧的,可是你在英文學習的路上一定遇過它,甚至對它的長相不陌生。動詞片語的公式很簡單:1 個主要的動詞 +1 個以上的助動詞或情態助動詞。 (沒錯,就是這樣而已)讓我們來看例子吧! 💡前面三句主詞都是「dog」,「sleep」則是主要的動詞(以粗體字標示)。比起原型句,第二句因為加了助動詞「is」讓句子變成現在進行式;在第三句裡,情態助動詞「can」則讓語意有所轉換,成為給予許可的句子。 動詞片語不一定只由單個動詞+單個(情態)助動詞所組成,有時侯看情況,它可以延伸到四個單字的組合喔。來看看! 📌 2 個動詞的組合=單個助動詞+主要動詞 📌 3 個動詞的組合=兩個助動詞+主要動詞 📌 4 個動詞的組合=三個助動詞+主要動詞

    講了這麼多,以下的句子讓你找找看動詞片語在哪裡,試著自己辨識看看囉! 1. Ginny was surprised when she heard the news. 2. You must attend tomorrow’s meeting. 3. Qatar will be hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

    呼~今天的文法解釋就到此為止!希望你已經弄懂動詞片語的性質,再也不會把它與片語動詞搞混囉! 如果對英文文法還意猶未盡,這些文章等著你造訪😊 👉英文時態的「未來完成式」是什麼?(含例句) 👉【過去式】來搞懂英文時態的「過去簡單式」! 👉英文限定詞 (determiner) 是什麼?如何使用? 日後遇到英文難題時,別忘了英文庫一直會在這等著你喔!See y’all next time👀 !

  2. A verb phrase consists of a main verb and any auxiliary verbs. The main verb in a verb phrase is always last. Verb phrases are necessary to express the main verb's tense, mood, or voice.

  3. Basic parts. Verbs in English have four basic parts: Most verbs are regular: they have a past tense and past participle with –ed (worked, played, listened). But many of the most frequent verbs are irregular. Verb phrases in English have the following forms: a main verb:

  4. A verb phrase is a combination of an auxiliary verb (also known as a helping verb) and a main verb. The difference between a verb and a verb phrase is that a verb is just a word, and a verb phrase is a group of an auxiliary verb and a main verb.

  5. 🔎 動詞片語(verb phrases)是什麼? 動詞片語比較特別的是沒有配角,但主角有兩個 : 助動詞+動詞。動詞片語的功用是表示疑問、否定、時態,英文裡需要助動詞來幫忙表示這些含義,這正是為什麼助動詞也是主角。 Do you love her? 你愛她嗎? 表示

  6. A verb phrase is the part of a sentence that contains a main verb and all of its “helpers,” or auxiliary verbs. In order to be complete, every sentence needs at least one verb. The verb can be an action verb (run, sing, play, climb) or a linking verb (seem, look, forms of be) that connects the sentence’s subject to more information about ...

  1. 相關搜尋

    verb phrases例子