雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年3月1日 · VGM(Verified Gross Mass)代表「已確認毛重」,是由標準秤過磅後或經認證過的秤重師所驗證的「貨物含櫃總重量」。. VGM 對於航運公司和其他參與國際貨物運輸的關係人來說,是一項重要資訊。. VGM(已確認毛重)的計算大概有 2 種:直接過磅貨櫃裝好、封緘後 ...

  2. www.maersk.com › transportation-services › verified-gross-massVerified Gross Mass - Maersk

    The Verified Gross Mass (VGM) is the weight of the cargo including dunnage and bracing plus the tare weight of the container carrying this cargo. SOLAS requires the shipper to provide VGM in a “shipping document,” either as part of the shipping instruction or in a separate communication, before vessel loading.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2023年8月27日 · What is the meaning of VGM in shipping? Verified Gross Mass (or VGM as it may appear on shipping documentation) is the total weight of your cargo, the container it’s in, and all the packaging and pallets involved with transporting it safely. Why do you need to report Verified Gross Mass?

  5. 在上下文中 國際航運,SOLAS VGM 是一項關鍵的安全措施。 它確保準確報告裝載貨櫃的重量,防止潛在的事故並提高海上運輸作業的整體安全性。 貨櫃VGM稱重方法. 兩種經批准的貨櫃總品質驗證方法在保持安全標準的同時提供了靈活性: 整體稱重:這涉及在包裝和密封後對整個容器進行稱重。 累計稱重:這包括分別稱重所有單一物品、包裝和墊料,然後將它們的總重量添加到貨櫃的皮重中。 SOLAS 要求中的 VGM 誤差範圍. SOLAS 公約允許報告的貨櫃 VGM 存在較小的誤差範圍。 誤差容差範圍在 +/- 5% 或 1 噸(以較小者為準)內,考慮到稱重設備或計算誤差的微小差異。 VGM資料提交後可以修改嗎? 是的,VGM 資料可以在運輸截止日期之前修改,通常由運輸公司收取費用。

    • What Is VGM?
    • Accepted Methods of Weighing to Obtain The VGM
    • Details to Be on All VGM Instructions
    • VGM Declaration Form
    • Role of Ship Master

    The Verified Gross Mass or VGM is the combined weight of the container tare weight and weight of all cargo, including all packaging and dunnage. There are two ways of for defining the VGM: by weighing the packed container or by calculation. I will discuss both of these methods later in this article. Now the question is why was this regulation intro...

    There are 2 methods to obtain the VGM as discussed below: Method 1: This method implies weighing of the packed/sealed container along with its cargo contents using calibrated and certified weighing bridge equipment. The certified weighing station can either be located at port terminalsor outside ports. If the container is weighed along with the roa...

    Booking or Bill of Lading number
    Container number
    VGM + unit
    Responsible party Name in full

    The shipper declares that the determination of the weight of the cargo container contained in the document is true and correct and in accordance with SOLAS regulations Article VI 2.4.2. A typical VGM DECLARATION FORM will include the following information: 1. VGM declared 2. VGM Weighing Method 3. VGM Reference number 4. VGM Signing person

    The ship captain plays a vital role in ensuring the packaged cargo loaded in her/his ship is VGM compliant to avoid any stability related issues which may lead to capsizeor sinking of the ship. Following are the important duties of Master related to Verified Gross Mass of the Cargo: 1. It is the responsibility of the ship’s Master to ensure that on...

  6. 什麼是驗證總重(VGM)?. 從2016年7月1日起生效,隨著海上人命安全公約(SOLAS)修正案覆蓋貨櫃的稱重條例,在裝貨單的截止日期之前,除非運輸公司向遠洋貨輪及/或港口集散站代表提供貨櫃已核實總重量(VGM),不再允許包裝後的貨櫃裝到船上。. 國際海事 ...

  7. VGM国际公约. VGM数据在海事安全中发挥着至关重要的作用,集装箱总重的误报会给国内外人员、内陆和近海货物和设备带来风险,而验证集装箱总重(VGM)可以大大降低这种风险。 此类事故的发生。 因此,国际海事组织也规定,从1年2016月XNUMX日起,除非提单上的托运人向海运承运人和/或码头代表提供集装箱重量,否则不再允许装载集装箱。 新规定明确规定: 托运人负责提供集装箱重量。 有两种批准的称重方法可以确定集装箱的重量。 码头运营商有义务确保只有经过重量验证的集装箱才能登上。 VGM 信息包括: 1) 订舱号或提单号; 2)集装箱号; 3) 验证总质量 (VGM); 4)体重秤(MT/KGS/LBS); 5) 签名(责任方); 6) 授权人; 集装箱VGM的称重方法有哪些? 整体称量方法: