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  1. 2023年7月28日 · 疣(Warts)是由人類乳頭瘤病毒(HPV)感染所引致,現今已發現超過150種HPV,不同類型的HPV會引致不同種類的疣。 患者皮膚會出現啡黃色或肉色突起的顆粒或硬塊。 疣可以出現在身體任何位置,常見的位置包括面部、頸部、手或腳。 由於疣具有傳染性,數量可以隨時間增加,最初可能只有幾粒,後來演變成數十至數百粒不等。 皮膚疣成因. HPV病毒喜歡在温暖潮濕的環境滋長,能透過接觸患者的皮膚患處,或接觸帶有HPV病毒的物件而傳播,免疫力較弱人士或皮膚有傷口者容易受到感染。 病毒可以在家庭成員之間交叉感染,或透過共用個人物品而傳播,例如共用化妝粉餅、化妝粉撲、化妝掃、睫毛夾、毛巾、剃鬚刀、枕頭床單、赤腳於公共泳池或健身室行走等。

    • 運動

      近年流行健身文化,不少人都愛到健身房鍛煉體魄。不過近來 ...

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      FWD與healthyD 合作,提供一系列網上健康生活資訊,旨在提 ...

    • What Is A Viral Wart?
    • Who Gets Cutaneous Viral Warts?
    • What Causes Cutaneous Viral Warts?
    • What Are The Clinical Features of Viral Warts?
    • What Are The Complications of Cutaneous Viral Warts?
    • How Is A Cutaneous Viral Wart Diagnosed?
    • What Is The Differential Diagnosis of A Cutaneous Viral Wart?
    • What Is The Treatment For Viral Warts?
    • What Is The Outcome For Cutaneous Viral Warts?

    A viral wart is a very common benign lesion caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). Viral warts can be classified by site as being cutaneous or mucosal as the HPV types are quite distinct [see Anogenital wart and Sexually acquired human papillomavirus for further information on mucosal HPV infection]. A cutaneous wart is also called a ...

    Warts are particularly common in: 1. School-aged children, however they may occur at any age 2. Dermatitis, due to a defective skin barrier 3. People with drug-induced immunosuppression such as with long-term azathioprine or ciclosporin use, or have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

    Warts are due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a double-stranded DNA virus. There are more than 150 known HPV types, only some of which infect the skin, giving rise to a variety of clinical presentations. Infection begins in the basal layer of the epidermis, causing proliferation of the keratinocytes (skin cells) and hyperkeratosis, ...

    Cutaneous viral warts have a hard, keratinous surface. Tiny red or black dots visible in the wart are papillary capillaries.

    Viral warts are infectious to the patient and others.
    Cutaneous warts can have significant psychosocialeffects such as teasing at school, embarrassment, permission refused for swimming lessons.
    Periungual warts can cause nail dystrophyand destruction.
    Pain due to plantar warts (myrmecia type) interferes with walking and sporting activities, causing knee or hip pain.

    Cutaneous viral warts are usually diagnosed clinically. Clinical clues to diagnosis can include: 1. Pinpoint red or black dots (papillary capillaries) are revealed when the wart is pared down. Patent capillaries cause pinpoint bleeding. Plantar corns lack the papillary capillaries. 2. Location of a plantar wart is not restricted to pressure sites w...

    Differential diagnoses for a cutaneous viral wart can include: 1. Seborrhoeic keratosis 2. Squamous cell carcinoma 3. Plantar corn and callus.

    Treatment may not be required in all cases as most warts resolve spontaneously especially in children. Indications for active treatment include: 1. Immunosuppression 2. Presence of complications 3. Patient preference. Treatments do not kill the virus, but work by removing virus-containing skin. Persistence with the treatment and patience is essenti...

    No treatment is universally effective at eradicating viral warts. In children, even without treatment, 50% of warts disappear within six months, and 90% are gone in 2 years. Viral warts are more persistent in adults, but they clear up eventually. They are likely to recur in patients that are immunosuppressed, for example, organ transplant recipient...

  2. 原因. 病理生理學. 流行病學. 治療. 藥物. 手術移除. 備註. 參考資料. 參見. 疣 (wart,verruca)也稱 病毒疣 [註 1] ,俗稱 瘊 、 瘊子 、 魚鱗刺 ,是指 人類乳突病毒 感染所致的 良性 皮膚贅生物,其為 皮膚 上小而粗糙、堅硬的生長物,顏色與正常皮膚相似 [1] [2] 。 疣有軟硬之分,通常沒有症狀,不過長在腳底時可能會疼痛 [2] 。 疣通常長在手和腳上,但它們也會在其他部位出現 [1] ;同部位可能同時出現一個或多個疣 [2] 。 疣並不是痣,也非 癌症 [2] 。 疣有傳染性,有可能從別人的身上感染而造成疣 [1] 。 疣會擴散到其他部位,消失後也有復發的可能。

  3. 疣 (Viral Warts)屬於過濾性病毒的感染,病源是一種名為人類乳頭瘤病毒 (Human Papilloma Virus﹐簡稱HPV)﹐能透過人與人的接觸而傳染開去。 HPV的種類非常多﹐當中引發「疣」的只屬傳染性皮膚病的一種﹐跟性接觸感染的性病無甚關係。 常見位置: 面、頸、手背、四肢. 扁平疣 (Plane Warts)是其中一種最為常見 的疣。 這類過濾性病毒非常普遍﹐大量存在於四周環境中﹔當皮膚表面有傷口﹐加上免疫系統較弱或本身體質較差﹐便會受此微生病毒感染。 患有扁平疣帶來的影響﹕. 一旦感染了﹐皮膚表面形成肉色或淺啡色、質地粗糙的小粒﹐邊界清晰。 一般扁平疣雖然對健康無大影響﹐但會具傳染性。 若不處理﹐扁平疣會蔓延至非常多的數量﹐影響個人儀容。

  4. 1. 尋常疣(common warts):HPV 2、4、27、29 血清型為主。 外觀為往外凸起的棕色、粗糙角化的顆粒或斑塊。 常出現於手部、指甲周圍或四肢。 2. 足部疣(plantar warts):HPV 1 血清型為主。 出現在腳底,好發於孩童和青少年。 比尋常疣來得厚皮,由於在足底不易提早發現,當病灶長太大時可能會疼痛紅腫,造成行走不適。 3. 扁平疣(flat warts):HPV 3、10血清型為主。 突起面與上述的疣不同,較平滑、扁平、粉膚色,常出現在前額、臉部、前臂和小腿,很常被忽略而延誤治療或誤以為是老人斑。 4. 生殖器疣(genital wart or condyloma acumilatum):HPV 6、11 血清型為主。

  5. 有晨泳習慣的林先生最近感覺腳底隱隱作痛,仔細一看才發現腳底好像長了一顆表面粗糙的突狀物「疣」,只要走路一摩擦到就會感到疼痛不適。究竟「疣」是什麼,和雞眼又有什麼差別?如果長了疣又該怎麼治療?《Hello醫師》帶你一起搞懂疣的大小事。為什麼會長疣?跟雞眼差在哪裡?疣是由 ...

  6. 2020年6月8日 · 醫生分析4種治療病毒疣方法. Getty Images. 08. Jun. 2020. 身邊不少朋友都想去脫疣,但面上一些看似是疣的東西,形態又如油脂粒一樣,即使仔細研究也分不清楚! 究竟「疣」為何物? 怎樣可以有效分辨出疣和油脂粒? 今次皮膚科專科醫生陳厚毅會跟我們逐一解說同時分享4種治療病毒疣的方法。 ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW. 「疣」是什麼? 常聽見「疣」這個 名字,但究竟疣分成哪幾種呢? 陳醫生表示,疣是由過濾性病毒——人類乳頭瘤狀病毒(HPV)引發的,而且會傳染,未有及時醫治的話,不但會越長越多,更會傳染他人,無論面、身,或是手腳都有機會受感染。 ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW.

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