雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Welcome to VSL Hong Kong. As a specialist in post-tensioned and cable-stayed structures, foundations and ground engineering, VSL Hong Kong contributes to the design and construction of major engineered structures and maintains, repairs and upgrades all structural systems that guarantee safety and durability.

  2. As a specialist in structural systems and ground engineering, VSL contributes to the design and construction of major engineered structures. Ground engineering, post-tensioning, heavy lifting…: discover our solutions to cater for a complex architecture, difficult site conditions, accelerated schedules and more.

  3. 2011年8月16日 · 繁 簡. SPECIALIST 專做拉力,砌橋,TEMP WORK。. 好難同其它公司比較。. 拉TRANSFER PLATE多數都係VSL,費事理都好似無咩。. 拉陣就兩間都差唔多。. 有返咁上下經驗先知道呢兩間係堅野。. CONSULTANT D JOB都未必可以同佢地比。. UID. 1164967.

  4. 应答时间:2022-02-10,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。. VSL 英文全称是“vessel name”中文翻译是“船名”的意思。. VOY=英文全称是“voyage number” 中文翻译是“航次”的意思。. VSL/VOY是什么意思?. 有关外贸术语的。. 谢谢!. VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次 ...

  5. 雲尚系統(香港)有限公司 葵涌打磚坪街63號16樓D室 電話: 2610-1959 手機: 9239-9336 電郵: info@vsl.hk Vision Solution (HK) Limited Flat D 16/F , 63 Ta Chuen Ping St., Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: 2610-1959 Mobile: 9239-9336 Email: info@vsl.hk

  6. VSL-Intrafor specialises in buidling deep access or ventilation shafts of 80+ metres or more. Their expertise in diaphragm walls, and long-term involvement in dense environments and complex geology is showcased particularly in Hong Kong. Discover Solution. V.

  7. 住戶手機APP. 住戶專用手機APP通告推送系統/通告儲存及管理系統/住戶訂場系統/層級權限法團文件存取系統等先進功能, 令物業管理工作效率大幅提高。. App內特設廣告推介區域,供管理公司或法團展示訊息/廣告/收費廣告,可以作為訊息廣播或收入來源。.

  8. It thus contributes to the design and construction of transport infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, roads), buildings, and industrial & energy-producing structures, and it maintains, repairs and...

  9. VSL#Woman PLUS 女性益生菌是專門為女性而設的益生菌增強配方。. 配方採用一種獨有的益生菌-副乾酪乳桿菌 (L.paracasei),對預防尿路感染非常有效。. 不少專家建議可利用乳桿菌重塑被尿路病原體入侵的泌尿生殖菌群,從而保護陰道生態環境和對抗尿道感染等疾病 ...

  10. The company and its group is the worldwide contractor in the field of post-tensioning and related civil engineering skills. Services are included: foundation works, architectural & civil engineering, concrete work, building engine.

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