雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年7月15日 · 蘇梅島W酒店的基本介紹📂. 2010年11月泰國蘇美島W Retreat Koh Samui正式開幕,當時算是SPG酒店集團在東南亞進軍佈局的第1家酒店,以W Retreat系列來說,亞太地區共有三間酒店分別於印度、峇裡島、蘇美島進駐。. W Retreat Koh Samui是當時所有人注目的焦點,找來泰國 ...

  2. 2022年4月19日 · 🟥 蘇美島吃喝玩樂 回到臺灣,最讓我再三回味旅行中滋味的當屬泰國迷人的SPA、古式按摩,這趟蘇美島一行很開心入住W Retreat Koh Samui當時中文解說人員一一幫我們介紹酒店時,一邊看著Away

  3. 飯店名稱:W Retreat Koh Samui () 入住日期:2013/09 官方網站:http://www.wretreatkohsamui.com/----- 網誌圖文好讀版:http://giselle240790.pixnet.net/blog/post/4544253 (無音樂,建議閱讀) 入住 W

  4. 飯店名稱:W Retreat Koh Samui 地址:蘇美島 官方網站:http://www.wretreatkohsamui.com/----- 網誌圖文好讀版:http://giselle240790.pixnet.net/blog/post/4702758 (建議閱讀,無音樂) 一進到 W hotel 的房間

  5. Situated on a 30-square-mile tropical island in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand, overlooking stunning beaches and lush forests, W Koh Samui resort awakens as the sun goes down, igniting the unexpected.

  6. The W Retreat Koh Samui is located just 15-20 minutes from Koh Samui Airport, between Maenam and Bo Phut, and about 15 minutes from the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui, where we were coming from. After our driver, Mr Samui, dropped us off, we were welcomed into the Lobby, where the focal point is the outdoor decorative pool and W, with several ...

  7. Sunshine, spice, and everything nice – like swaying hammocks, epicurean tastings, turquoise water, and pristine beaches. Resplendent with charm, W Retreat Koh Samui is the epitome of a tropical retreat, a heavenly haven in the Gulf of Thailand.