雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals) For use by individuals. Entities must use Form W-8BEN-E. Go to www.irs.gov/FormW8BEN for instructions and the latest information. Give this form to the withholding agent or payer. Do not send to the IRS.

  2. The person named on line 1 of this form is a resident of the treaty country listed on line 9 of the form (if any) within the meaning of the income tax treaty between the United States and that country, and

  3. 適用於主動非金融外國實體的W-8BEN-E代用表格此為滙豐表格,專供僅爲香港稅務居民的貿易企業及公司,簽署用以替代美國W-8系列稅務表格用於進行美股交易。

  4. W-8BEN美国预提税及申报受益所有人之外国人身分证明(个人) 如为联名户口,每位户口持有人必须分别填写一份表格。 W-8BEN表格必须准确填写,不得涂改。

  5. - You can submit duly completed W-8BEN form to any HSBC branch in Hong Kong or by mail to “The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, GPO Box 64, Hong Kong”. Your mail-in forms would

  6. W-8BEN美國預扣稅及申報實益擁有人之外籍身分證明(個人) 如為聯名戶口,每位戶口持有人必須分別填寫一份表格。 W-8BEN 表格必須準確填寫,不得塗改。

  7. A Form W-8BEN-E must be completed correctly without any alterations. If you make a mistake, please start over using a new form. Do not use liquid paper or any other correctional tool. All W Forms must be completed in English. A. Please read this section