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    • 1. 你在做什?

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  2. 2019年4月2日 · 這是一種常見的問法,但是你不能簡單地問What are you doing。 如果使用「What are you doing」的話,意味著你是在問對方當時當刻在幹什麼。 相反,肯尼用these days來修飾what are you doing來說明他是在問內特最近的生活。 這種情況下,你還可以使用 ?

  3. 2015年9月9日 · 小時候我們學英文,絕對已經被訓練到聽到別人問 “How are you?",就會反射性的回答 “I am fine, thank you. 人際相處是人生中很重要的一課,而打招呼更是一門學問。

  4. What are you doing? 你 (們)在做什麼?. 使用時機一:問對方正在做什麼。. 使用時機二:口頭上雖然問「你在做什麼?. 」但帶有隱含意味地表示「你不該這麼做」。. 口語發音: Whatcha doing'? 相關表達: What are you doing here?

  5. "What you are doing" 是一个名词性从句作为主语、宾语或表语使用,指代某人正在进行的活动。 例句:I don't understand what you are doing. 译文:我不明白你在做什么。 从语法区别: 1. "What are you doing?"中的"are"是助动词,用于构成进行时态(present continuous tense),表示现在正在进行的动作。 例句:She is cooking dinner. What are you doing right now? 译文:她正在做晚饭。 你现在在做什么? 2. "What you are doing"中的"are"是连系动词,与形容词或名词连用,起连接主语和宾语的作用。

  6. What are you up to? 的第二个意思是:你在做什么?相当于:What are you doing? - Hey, what are you up to? - 嗨,你在干什么呀?- I lost my job, so I am trying to find a new one to bring home the bacon. - 我丢了工作,所以我正试着找个新工作来养家糊口。

  7. How to Say “What Are You Doing?” in Chinese. In English, the phrase “What are you doing?” is a versatile tool in our conversational toolkit. It can be used to inquire about someone’s current activity, express disbelief, show anger, or even make casual conversation. The key to understanding the intended meaning often lies in the speaker’s tone.

  8. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 What's your game? What are you doing in my garden? 你在干什么? 你在我的花园里干 什么 ? 《简明英汉词典》 What are you doing now? 这会儿你在干什么? 《现代汉英综合大词典》 What are you doing?

  9. what did you do with the money? (how did you spend it?) 你怎麼用這筆錢的?; (where did you put it?) 你把錢放哪裡了?

  10. 如果使用“What are you doing”的话,意味着你是在问对方当时当刻在干什么。 相反,肯尼用these days来修饰what are you doing来说明他是在问内特最近的生活。 这种情况下,你还可以使用一下其他的短语。 What are you doing lately?

  11. what you doin的意思@Unixo "What are you doing?" is the regular English of this. :)|"What are you doing." In very informal speech, a lot of words can be dropped, but this is not very common in even general conversation.|@gra: what are you up to are you busy

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