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  1. 2021年2月19日 · • 首先,what are you up to的意思是,「你最近還好嗎? 」「你最近在忙啥」。 如果你和一個朋友好句不見,你想約ta出來喝一杯或者聊聊天,但是又不知道ta是不是很忙,這時,問一句: what are you up to? 就非常合適。 雖然how are you也有「你好嗎」的意思。 但兩個表達之間還是存在些許的差別。 a. 我們可以和任何人說how are you,但是我們一般只和比較親近的人說:what are you up to? b. 而且,當你說how are you時,只是禮貌地問候,是不期待具體的回答的。 而如果問what are you up to, 是期待有具體的回應的. 而且這個表達比較年輕化,年紀大的人一般不用這個表達。

  2. 2024年3月7日 · “What are you up to?” is a casual way to greet someone. Surprisingly, you can greet someone with a question. In this case, you’re not really interested in what they’re doing, and are asking more so to tell them that you acknowledge their presence and maybe want to start a conversation. [1]

  3. 2018年5月23日 · 今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:What are you up to? 这个口语表达使用很普遍,一般有以下三个意思。 What are you up to? 的第一个意思是:你最近在忙啥呢? 相当于:What's up? - It's been a while. What are you up to? - 好久不见啊,你最近在忙啥呢? - I've been preparing for the performance all around the clock. It'll be held at the weekend. - 我整天都在准备表演。 表演会在周末举行。 - Oh, really! Break a leg! - 真的吗? 祝你好运哦。 What are you up to?

  4. What are you up to is a question usually said to friend or a family member. this question simply means, what are you doing! it's a casual way of starting a conversation with somebody. An example would be:

  5. 2017年3月13日 · 是回答別人「找我什麼事」,例如當星期六晚上朋友簡訊問你What are you up to? 是在問說「現在在幹嘛? 晚上有沒有什麼活動? 」若朋友打電話來找你,那你就回答「What’s up?」什麼事? 2. 所以What are you up to? 的回答可以是「I’m staying home, watching Captain America.」我要待在家看美國隊長。 (回答第一點中的例子「當星期六晚上朋友簡訊問你What are you up to?」) 或 Nothing much. 沒幹嘛阿。 3. 另外What are you up to? 也可用在「I know what you’re up to.」這時的意思是「我知道你在搞什麼鬼。 4. 而最勁爆的是「最近在忙什麼?

  6. 2018年7月19日 · 今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:What are you up to? 这个口语表达使用很普遍,一般有以下三个意思。 What are you up to? 的第一个意思是:你最近在忙啥呢?相当于:What's up? - It's been a while. What are you up to? - 好久不见啊,你最近在忙啥呢?

  7. 2022年9月18日 · The question “what are you up to” literally means “what are you doing.” But, more often than not, it either implies that the sender of the message wants to catch up or needs to ask a little favor from you. It is used in casual discussions between or among people with intimate relationships, as opposed to formal ones.

  8. 2024年3月6日 · The question “What are you up to?” is a common phrase used in English to ask someone what they are currently doing or planning to do. It is a casual and friendly way to start a conversation or catch up with someone you havent seen in a while. The phrase can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context and tone of the conversation.

  9. One question that often causes confusion is: what are you up to? In today’s guide, we are going to take a closer look at the meaning of what are you up to, provide example answers, as well as situations in which you can use the question. So, let’s get started!

  10. 2020年5月12日 · Your friends and people you know might ask you “What are you up to?” How do you respond to this question? Learn all about it!

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