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  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [ˈwɪsl]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 哨聲; 鳴叫聲; 汽笛; 呼嘯聲 to emit or let out or give a whistle 發出哨音
    • 2. 哨子 a blast of the whistle 一陣響亮的哨聲

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 吹口哨; 鳴叫; 鳴笛; 呼嘯 to whistle at sb. 朝某人吹口哨
    • 2. 呼嘯而行 to whistle by or past 嗖地飛過

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 用口哨吹


  2. whistle(读音[ˈwɪsəl],拼音[wēisǒu])基于Node实现的跨平台web调试代理工具,类似的工具有Windows平台上的Fiddler,主要用于查看、修改HTTP、HTTPS、Websocket的请求、响应,也可以作为HTTP代理服务器使用,不同于Fiddler通过断点修改请求响应的:

  3. WHISTLE翻譯:吹哨子;(尤指)吹口哨;用口哨吹出, 呼嘯而過, (鳥)啼囀,囀鳴, 哨子聲;口哨聲;呼嘯聲, 哨子,笛子。了解更多。

  4. WHISTLE翻译:吹哨子;(尤指)吹口哨;用口哨吹出, 呼啸而过, (鸟)啼啭,啭鸣, 哨子声;口哨声;呼啸声, 哨子,笛子。 了解更多。 词典

  5. WHISTLE翻譯:吹哨子;(尤指)吹口哨;用口哨吹出, 呼啸而过, (鸟)啼啭,啭鸣, 哨子声;口哨声;呼啸声, 哨子,笛子。了解更多。

  6. 英語釋義. move with, or as with, a whistling sound; "The bullets whistled past him". the act of signalling (e.g., summoning) by whistling or blowing a whistle; "the whistle signalled the end of the game". utter or express by whistling; "She whistled a melody". an inexpensive fipple flute.

  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › WhistleWhistle - Wikipedia

    A whistle is a musical instrument which produces sound from a stream of gas, most commonly air. It may be mouth-operated, or powered by air pressure, steam, or other means. Whistles vary in size from a small slide whistle or nose flute type to a large multi-piped church organ .

  8. n. 哨聲; 鳴叫聲; 汽笛; 呼嘯聲 to emit or let out or give a whistle 發出哨音 a piercing whistle 刺耳的哨聲. vi. 吹口哨; 鳴叫; 鳴笛; 呼嘯 to whistle at sb. 朝某人吹口哨 he whistle d at or for us to follow him...

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