雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 泳天游泳會成立於 1989 年,由 2004 至 05 年度起,為全港過百間註冊泳會中,唯一連續 11 年獲香港政府授權監管機構 - 香港業餘游泳總會評為滿分泳會。2009 至 2011 年,連續 11 次獲香港三大錦標賽團體總冠軍。.

  2. Starting from 2004, the swimming club has been awarded as the full score swimming club of Hong Kong China Swimming Association (HKGSA), it is the first and the only swimming club in HK can be granted with this honor for the 14th consecutive year.

  3. 四式改良. CHC-17A4L. 10月5日 - 12月28日. 六. 16:00 - 17:30. $2470.00. 只接受報名表報名. 備註:1) 家長可於休息室觀看上課情況;2) 休息室只供該課堂學員家長使用;3) 連報優惠必須報讀全期泳班方可適用,插班及網上報名不適用。.

  4. The club was found in 1989, starting from 2004, the swimming club has been awarded as the full score swimming club of Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association (HKASA), it is the first and the only swimming club in HK can be granted with this honor for the 11th consecutive year.

  5. Win Tin is the first swimming club in HK to introduce teaching different swimming contents according to the swimmer age and swimming ability. It is also the first club in HK to introduce "10 Level Swimming Progress Chart" so that swimmers can understand their swimming level and set what swimming stroke as the learning goal.

  6. 地址:. 香港北角英皇道 250 號北角城中心 12 樓 1205 室. 電話:. 2512 2793. 傳真:. 2512 2486. 辦公時間:. 星期一至五,早上 9 時 30 分至下午 1 時;下午 2 時至 5 時 /. 星期六,早上 9 時 30 分至下午 1 時 /.

  7. 第一次使用網上報名人士。

  8. Swimming Head Coach of Malaysia Swimming Team from Year 2006 - 2009. Assistant Development and Training Officer of Yunnan Province Swimming Association in Year 2005. Assistant Swimming Head Coach (Swimming Training Department) in Yunnan Province Swimming Association in Year 2004.

  9. 泳天游泳會會發佈有關泳員比賽成績、泳班資訊、泳隊訓練、教練及泳員訪問及游泳知識等文章,供各游泳同好瀏覽。.

  10. Current Position. Senior Swimming Coach of Win Tin Swimming Club. Swimming Team Coach of Win Tin Swimming Club. Team Responsible. Team Y4 of Win Tin Swimming Club. Certificate. HK Swimming Coaches Association Level 1 Coaches Certificate. Hong Kong China Swimming Association Swimming Official Certificate. Qualification.

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