雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Established by three wine enthusiasts, Hong Kong Wine Academy is dedicated to wine education. Our mission is to promote the interest and enjoyment of wine drinking through the offering of high quality wine courses at reasonable price. All our courses are taught by qualified wine professionals who are also experienced in teaching wine courses.

  2. 香港葡萄酒教育中心推廣酒類教育超過十年,為業界先驅者。. 於2009年由三位醉心美酒的朋友所創立,矢志宣揚葡萄酒、清酒和烈酒文化。. 本中心特點:. • 導師專業:各主要課程均由經驗豐富的文憑導師教授,團隊中不少更在國際酒類比賽中擔任評審 ...

  3. The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is the world’s leading provider of professional wine qualifications. Established in 1969, WSET has offered internationally-recognised wine & spirits courses in over 70 countries and more than 15 languages.

  4. Asia Wine - One-stop wine school hk. Over 20 years of experience. Trained over 100,000 professionals and wine lovers in Asia. Most comprehensive wine class ranging from professional qualifications to interest class for enthusiasts.

  5. 香港紅酒學校是一所國際認可的專業品酒師培訓學校,提供一系列國際認可WSET證書課程 (包括葡萄酒及清酒課程),以及英國威士忌證書課程。

  6. AWSEC is the only Approved Programme Provider of WSET Level 1 to 4 in Hong Kong. The Wine & Spirit Education Trust has been providing best-in-class education and qualificationsthe for wine lovers & people in the trade.

  7. Australian Wine Discovered Series 2. HK$4,600.00 HK$4,300.00. Wine courses from initial to professional levels.

  8. AWSEC offers wine tasting course in HK for all wine lovers. The WSET Level 1 Award in Wines Premium introduces main types and styles of wine with useful skills. Home

  9. McCaine Wine Education (McWe) is a professional wine school providing a series of wine courses including specific workshops and WSET courses from a basic to a more advanced level. In order to strengthen the skills of our students and assist them to obtain professional qualification, McWe provides multiplex and specialty on-the-job training as ...

  10. 考取英國 WSET 專業品酒師資格, 課程通過品酒及理論, W A Wine & Education 提供 WSET Level 1-3。 WSET 品酒師課程, WSET Level 1 - $1500, WSET Level 2 - $5400, 成功通過考試可獲頒WSET證書

  11. Students can taste about 58 samples of wines during the course of their studies, and they are systematically arranged by classroom session. Our wine courses are taught by qualified wine professionals who are also experienced in wine education.

  12. Vinotopia Asia Fun | Wine | School offers WSET Level 1-3 in convenient location of Sheung Wan Hong Kong. We endeavour to provide international recognised wine certification courses, wine tastings, events, and workshops that are fun, engaging and enticing to

  13. 本學院提供WSET Level 1、WSET Level 2及WSET Level 3的葡萄酒証書課程,為對葡萄酒有興趣者及從業員提供一個學習葡萄酒與烈酒的平台。. 選擇本學院WSET 課程的四大優點包括: 1.)課程由大文sir親自教授,擁有30年的酒店品酒師實戰及培訓經驗,有豐富的品酒技巧,令 ...

  14. VINEX WINE ACADEMY is registered with the WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust) and providing a wide range of wine training and tasting courses in Hong Kong

  15. Students can taste about 75 samples of wines during the course of their studies, and they are systematically arranged by classroom session. Our wine courses are taught by qualified wine professionals who are also experienced in wine education.

  16. WSET-Most Popular Wine Course in HK-CorVino Wine School. Offer both WSET Wines & WSET Sake Courses in HK, 15+ years in teaching WSET courses. Provide WSET Level 1, WSET Level 2, WSET Level 3 for wine lovers.

  17. 香港紅酒學校成立超過15年,教學經驗豐富,提供一系列國際認可WSET國際品酒認證課程,包括葡萄酒、烈酒、威士忌及日本清酒課程等等,同時提供企業培訓課程。

  18. MWM Wine School offers a comprehensive and dynamic Alumni program, perfect for those in the wine industry to widen their network, as well as casual wine lovers seeking to be part of the most exclusive wine circle and events in Hong Kong.

  19. Sommelier Education Centre. Our WSET Courses are hosted in Sommelier Education Centre. Please click HERE to check our location. WSET Courses Available at Sommelier: Which Level Should You Study? Who should study LEVEL 1: For individuals new to wine / sake study.

  20. Around 25 students learned about how wine is made, wine tasting techniques, the worldwide major wine regions, and the meaning behind a wine label from Sommelier Perry Mok. Five different varieties of wine were enjoyed by participants – sparkling, fruity white, “sweet” white, light body red, and full body red. Students were also able to ...

  21. 由國際著名葡萄酒酒評人 James Suckling 開設,這家葡萄酒酒吧為你帶來專業評級的佳釀,均獲得最少90分以上,更有不少獲評為100分。.

  22. 銅鑼灣全新法式小酒館 Aroma Wine Bistro 是 Cupping Room 姊妹店, 室內提供 26 個座位,以及最多可容納 25 人的露天用餐區, 裝潢設計從北歐美學中汲取靈感,融入優雅的線條和天然木材元素,並以綠色植物點綴,營造北歐風格的溫馨氛圍。. 菜式方面由行政總廚 Roger ...

  23. 香港時間與洛杉磯時間換算. 香港 位於中國,所屬時區是 HKT (香港時間,Hong Kong Time) (使用中) 洛杉磯 位於美國,所屬時區是 PDT (太平洋夏令時間,Pacific Daylight Time) (使用中) 香港 (Hong Kong)時間 = UTC + 8:00. 04:09:28.

  24. 參加當地體驗達人在洛杉磯或附近舉辦的葡萄酒體驗。 透過Airbnb體驗各式各樣的遊覽行程和活動。繼續瀏覽,查看建議結果