雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Wong Tai Sin Temple In April 1942, guidance from Master Wong Tai Sin was received through divine writing. These Taoist priests were directed to erect a new temple in the area of Chuk Yuen in Kowloon City.

  2. 歷史. 1921年4月本園擇定竹園後,蒙文昌帝君乩示,擇吉六月廿四日興工,初期大仙祠規模簡單,只建大殿、麟閣、辦事處、宿舍、大閘、水井等工程,其後才不斷添建其他建築物。. 後於1937年得仙師乩示:謂欲本園永垂久遠,建築須配合五行,謂之「五形 ...

  3. Wong Tai Sin Temple is a well known shrine and tourist attraction in Hong Kong. It is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin , or the Great Immortal Wong. [2] The 18,000 m 2 (190,000 sq ft) Taoist temple is famed for the many prayers answered: "What you request is what you get" ( 有求必應 ) via a practice called kau chim .

  4. 黃大仙祠 (英語: Wong Tai Sin Temple ),全稱 赤松黃大仙祠 或 嗇色園黃大仙祠 ,是 香港 的一座著名 廟宇 ,位於 九龍東 黃大仙 ,佔地約18,000平方米,由非牟利宗教慈善團體 嗇色園 管理。. 廟宇主要供奉 東晉 時 南中國 道教 著名神祇 黃初平 ,另亦有 ...

  5. 嗇色園屬下設17間社會服務單位,為長者提供多元而全面的院舍及社區支援服務。. 嗇色園創立於1921年,於1965年正式註冊為慈善團體,尊崇儒、釋、道三教,以「普濟勸善」為宗旨,致力宣道弘法、育才興學、安老護耆及救疾扶傷等多元化公益服務,屬下安老 ...

  6. Wong Tai Sin Temple is a famous local shrine and tourist attraction temple in Hong Kong. Also called Sik Sik Yuen (啬色园), it is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin, the great immortal Wong, who serves prayers with “what you request is what you get”.

  7. 黃大仙祠 (英語: Wong Tai Sin Temple ),全稱 赤松黃大仙祠 或 嗇色園黃大仙祠 ,是 香港 的一座著名 廟宇 ,位於 九龍東 黃大仙 ,佔地約18,000平方公尺,由非牟利宗教慈善團體 嗇色園 管理。. 廟宇主要供奉 東晉 時 南中國 道教 著名神祇 黃初平 ,另亦有供奉 ...

  8. Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple in Hong Kong is home to three religions — Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism — and pays tribute to famous monk Wong Tai Sin. Featuring five geomantic elements, the temple is as much a scenic attraction as it is an important religious centre.

  9. 嗇色園黃大仙祠是香港最著名的廟宇之一,崇奉道、佛、儒三教,其「五形」建築佈局別具特色。. 據說黃大仙「有求必應」,簽文靈驗,常年吸引無數善信到來膜拜求簽,香火鼎盛。.

  10. Wong Tai Sin Temple, also being called Sik Sik Yuen, is a Taoist Temple and also one of the most famous temples in Hong Kong. It is named after an immortal, Wong Chuping. Usually, there are many soothsayers before the temple, who are waiting to interpret

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