雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年7月18日 · 入學及聯絡方法 新界荃灣安賢街七號 7 On Yin Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T. 2490 8773 2490 8330 whfinfo@tiaccwhf.edu.hk

  2. Woo Hon Fai Group is the family office of the late Woo Hon Fai (胡漢輝). Born in Shunde, Southern China, he later moved to Hong Kong and founded Lee Cheong Gold Dealers Limited in 1950. In 1970, he was elected president of the Hong Kong Gold & Silver

  3. TIACC Woo Hon Fai Secondary School. 校長的話. 本校創辦至今已有三十多年,一直恪守「博學明思」的校訓,一方面讓學生廣泛地獲取知識,擴闊視野,並提升他們的學習成效和培養他們終身學習的態度;另一方面,讓學生在德、智、體、群、美五育有均衡的發展,以愛心為出發點,培養學生獨立思考、分析批判及明辨是非的能力,並發掘他們的潛能,使他們成為有學識及修養的青年,為香港社會作出貢獻。 教育是給予每個人「無限可能的機會」,而學校就是本著有教無類﹑因材施教的理念,尊重學生的個別差異,讓每一人都能夠認識自身的優缺點,從而發揮潛能,擁有屬於自己的成長天空。

  4. 紡織學會美國商會胡漢輝中學 TIACC Woo Hon Fai Secondary School. 辦學宗旨:學校致力為荃灣區青少年提供多元化及優質的教育,以資貢獻社會。 並極重視教師的專業發展與家長聯繫,以提供高質素的學校教育。 學校位置:荃灣區 › 新界荃灣安賢街7號。 學校地圖。 學校類別. 資助、男女校;位於荃灣區. 香港有 360 間資助中學,佔整體約 78%;香港有 394 間男女中學,佔整體約 85%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表。 全港中學分佈詳述。 創校歷史. 1987 年創立,辦學團體:紡織學會、美國商會、胡漢輝家族. 校訓:博學明思 Strive for Knowledge and Wise Judgement。 學校校徽。 教學情況.

  5. ABOUT | Woo Hon Fai Group. LEADERSHIP. darrin woo, managing director. Darrin is the eldest grandson of Woo Hon Fai. He oversees the family office with a particular focus in the originating, selecting and managing many hedge funds, private equity and venture capital investments.

  6. 2011年12月19日 · David Woo, who began his career in 1967 as an architect working on the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive at UC Berkeley, has chosen to honor his late father, Woo Hon Fai — and to celebrate the now-historic structure — with a major gift to the campus.

  7. Left to right: Hui Check-wing, Ho Tim, Woo Hon-fai, Chan Pak-hang, Hui Bun, Wong Cho-sum (WKYP, 1963-5-20) In May 1963, New Universal opened its flagship store at the newly opened HK Hilton after a year of preparations and featuring designs by Chan Tak-chuen (陳德銓), the son of fellow jeweler Chan Pak-hang (陳伯衡) and brother of HK ...

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