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    提供酒店級會所設施及穿梭巴士服務,傢俬電器齊備,更設有備餐間。 租期靈活,毋須按金,即租即住,立即入住體驗星級酒店會所設施


  1. AWSEC is the only Approved Programme Provider of WSET Level 1 to 4 in Hong Kong. The Wine & Spirit Education Trust has been providing best-in-class education and qualificationsthe for wine lovers & people in the trade.

  2. WSET® Wine Certification Course. WSET provides best-in-class education and qualifications to inspire and empower the world’s wine and spirits professionals and enthusiasts. We offer a comprehensive suite of qualifications covering wines, spirits and sake.

  3. 香港紅酒學校是一所國際認可的專業品酒師培訓學校,提供一系列國際認可WSET證書課程(包括葡萄酒及清酒課程),以及英國威士忌證書課程。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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  4. 2023 Asia Wine. Asia Wine - One-stop wine school hk. Over 20 years of experience. Trained over 100,000 professionals and wine lovers in Asia. Most comprehensive wine class ranging from professional qualifications to interest class for enthusiasts.

  5. 葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會 (WSET)為全球最大型葡萄酒、烈酒及清酒資格認證機構。 WSET設計及開辦葡萄酒和烈酒教育課程逾50年,備受全球各地認可的酒精類飲料機構信賴。 WSET提供4級漸進式資格認證課程,授課內容被翻譯成多種語言以供選擇,旗下授權培訓機構遍及全球70個國家/地區。 WSET資格認證課程持續啟發業內人士及愛好者,助他們提升能力。 特價. WSET 葡萄酒第一級認證課程. HK$1,900.00 HK$1,700.00. 特價. WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證課程. HK$7,000.00 HK$6,600.00. 特價. WSET 葡萄酒第三級認證課程. HK$11,800.00 HK$11,000.00.

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  7. The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is the worlds leading provider of professional wine qualifications. Established in 1969, WSET has offered internationally-recognised wine & spirits courses in over 70 countries and more than 15 languages.

  8. AWSEC is the exclusive WSET® Diploma Provider in Hong Kong. WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines is WSET®’s flagship qualification, providing in-depth knowledge and understanding of wines and the global industry.

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    上 Trip.com 搜尋香港W酒店及比較價格,為您的 staycation 找尋心水房間。 上 Trip.com 搜尋鄰近香港最受歡迎的 staycation 酒店。

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